July 26th

637 48 27

6 days  

 White walls, white tiles, white bedding, white. That was all Colby could see. His freshly washed hair hung messily, dripping onto the sweat shirt he wore. His normal black skinny jeans were replaced with blue sweats and on his wrist he wore a fresh patient band. He was patient number 229 in YT psychiatric, Katrina stood next to him a sad smile on her lips as she nervously played with her fingers, 

 "I'm sorry Colby. I'm sorry you have to be here, but your mom said this was for the best." Katrina murmured as Colby only nodded. He was numb, the last of his fight was over. He was fully succumbing to Sam's voice. After last nights break down he decided he had done enough. He asked for help, he got it. Now he was in the same boat as Sam once was and for once Sam's voice wasn't as harsh or angry. In fact it sounded just like he had been when he was alive. Colby being stuck in the same place Sam once was satisfied the voice inside Colby's mind and so he gave up. He knew what was to happen next if he was to appease the voice. Katrina awkwardly patted his back as she headed out to do her rounds, "You'll get through this Colby. You will get out of here in no time." Colby nodded resisting to let out a dry laugh much like Sam would have. Katrina was right he would get out of here, but it wasn't what she thought. Colby knew he would be carried out in a body bag, it was Sam's end game and he wasn't going to fight it. He deserved it. He didn't save Sam, so why should he get the luxury of trying to save himself? 

 Colby didn't know how long it had been since he laid down on the bed and stared at the blaring white ceiling. Sam's voice whispered little thoughts into his mind and they swirled together, painting a delicate picture of what was soon to come. It was as beautiful as the bloodied rose Sam drew so long ago. 

 Colby jumped at the sound of his door opening, it revealed a young man with caramel hair swept into a bun, Brown eyes blared into Colby's blue ones. The man's lips held a goofy yet cocky smile at the same time. His mother's partner Mr. Jones stood behind him, 

 "Hello Mr. Brock. Your mom and I thought you might need some company while you are here. This is Corey, he will be sitting with you everyday from now on." Colby nodded as the stranger known as Corey gave a delicate wave. Mr. Jones walked away, too focused on what was going to happen with his next patient to care what happened between the two next. Corey took a seat in the corner chair, much like how Colby did when he first visited Sam. Except this time he wasn't the savior, instead he was the boy who was wearing a sweatshirt in July. Corey looked slightly uncomfortable as he glanced at Colby's covered arms and his bare once, sweat trickled down his forehead, 

 "So uh, Colby tell me about yourself." Colby didn't answer, he was too lost in his own thoughts about how the world works in mysterious ways and how his life had gone full circle. He went from savior to loving to losing to broken, it was a chain that seemed to never be broken. Corey sat in silence as he waited for his question to be answered but Colby remained oblivious,  

 "So you don't want to talk, that's alright. I'll just tell you about myself then. I'm 21 and I love to dance, I enjoy long walks on the beach and I hope someday I will become famous." That was what Corey did, he filled the air with little stories and facts about himself, just like Colby did so long ago. Colby didn't listen nor did care about the man in the corner seat. He only cared about ending the cycle. He had a plan and soon he was going to implement it. 

 Colby knew his plan could ruin Corey just like how Sam ruined him but he didn't care. He was after all, the boy who wears sweatshirts in July.

A/N: I think you guys can all guess the ending but god I'm going to make you guys cry anyways when I write it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank you all so much for the reads, votes, and comments, they mean the absolute world to me!! As an aside can someone message me please. I have a question for one of you, it would help immensely if you have read my other story "Through the years", Thanks in advance!! ~Nightmare

Sweatshirts in July *Solby*Where stories live. Discover now