author's note, please read

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hey guys. holy heccin it's been a while hasn't it? sorry if I gave you a mini heart attack because this was updated, but sorry, no new chapters today. or for a while, at that.

I'm just going to get straight to the point. I don't know if I want to continue writing this. Keep hold of your jaws, and don't go down to the comments to yell at me just yet. There are multiple reasons why I feel this way. Let me explain.

1. I've left the MCSM Fandom.
I've been out of the fandom for a really long time now. I just wasn't interested in the game anymore, and nothing new was happening to keep me interested. I had grown out of it. While the game itself is and will always be great to me, I feel like my work in the community was pretty much done at this point. Keep in mind, I left LONG before the second game came out. Haven't played it yet, but I definitely plan on it.

2. The way I've been writing it.
Because of how precise I wanted to be while writing this book in its earlier stages, I would literally have a video playing nearby of the chapter that I could quote with perfect accuracy. I didn't mind doing at first when I was more inexperienced, but as I've grown more experienced I've started to hate the way I wrote it. While this doesn't sound like much, this style of writing was painful. It limited my creative freedom and forced me to just copy-paste everything word for word. If I continue it, I'm afraid that if I stray even word one away from the canon people will lose their minds and attack me. Therefore, I would have to stick to the safe path- spending hours copying dialogue from a YouTube video to the pages of the book.

2 and a half I guess- I know a lot of you guys love this book. It warms my heart whenever you guys leave nice comments and votes on my story. But at the same time, there's just as much support as there is questions about the next chapters whereabouts. When I see these, I get really friggin stressed out, and think "oh shoot, I need to update this, but I don't have the time or motivation... oh geez what do I do" and I spend the next few minutes silently panicking before replying with "it's on hiatus" and an apology

3. I kind of want to branch away from fanfiction.
This one is important. If you were around in the REALLY early days of this account (My Colorful Life, Let Him Go, even a really old and deleted Kid Icarus Uprising fanfiction), you would know that the original name of this account was shimmer832fanfics. I had a separate account for original stories, which is what my current account's name is now. The old account is called SpaceToaster . But why'd I change it? Simply because I didn't want to be known because of my fanfictions. Nowadays, I want to be known for my original works. I want to move on to bigger and better projects, with original plot lines and characters. I want to be known as the girl who made Double Rebirth, Burning Plague, or Lone Wolf. Not as the girl who made fanfictions for a while.

this honestly hurt a bit to write. I'm adding this in just after I've finished it, and im so hesitant to even publish this chapter. I don't want to disappoint any of you;;; I just want to write stories that people enjoy reading and not make people upset

So now I'm left with two choices regarding this story. I could...

a. cancel it, allowing me to focus more on other works instead of worrying about people telling me to keep working on this and people getting upset if I don't follow the canon to a t.

b. buck up, finish the story and give it a proper ending, but stray away from the way it was written before. I would write it in a way that I would find fun and not creatively limiting, but stray away from the set-in-stone canon. I don't want to just drop it out of nowhere, because I know how much you all love it. But if it's continued, it'll probably be drastically different from the previous chapters.

I need your help. You all are the deciding factor for the fate of the story.

Which do you choose?

thanks, and sorry,

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