author's note 2

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Well, it's certainly been a while, hasn't it?

After nearly three years of pure radio silence on this book, announcement of hiatus and then discontinuing the story entirely, here we are again.

A LOT of things have happened between now and the last author note. I graduated from high school, found out some crazy things about myself, made some friends, lost some friends, and somehow managed to survive everything that 2020 has thrown at me. But I'm doing well! I've been taking care of myself, and spending time with my family and friends (safely, of course).

One of my recent outings with friends was a small Netflix party, consisting of a John Mulaney special, and after that was over, we spent some time surfing through matches on my friend's account.

One thing led to another and that another led to a 64% match with Minecraft Story Mode on Netflix.

Cutting the crap, after playing, and riffing on the first episode with my friends, (I'll admit. I enjoy it, but even I can lift up the rose-tinted glasses and admit it's not perfect), I decided to repurchase the entire first season (not an easy feat after the closure of Telltale) and replay it. Why not? Just another distraction that I can enjoy and shelve away for another day.

To say I was taken back is an understatement. I've been hit with crazy nostalgia and completely fallen back in love with this silly game (a healthy amount. I'm nowhere as crazy about it as I was back in 8th grade or so).

Long before that, though, this story hadn't left my mind, mostly because of all the comments asking "where is the next chapter?" and the requests to continue on the final author's note. I got overwhelmed and discontinued it, bringing me a brief period of brevity, and something to bring up as a self-deprecating joke about my past. "Hey, guys, remember my edgy Minecraft fanfic phase?"

But I think it's time that I continue this story.

I've always wanted to give this a proper ending of some sort. It's by far my most-read work on here (which baffles me, because the majority of the writing is not great, especially in the early chapters), and I still felt bad about leaving it on a cliffhanger. But I know that if I continue the way I want to, there will be a huge tonal shift between the chapters, which would be awkward compared to the clunky writing of the first chapter.

So, I'm proud to announce that I'm planning a full rewrite of Madness.

The basic premise will be the same, but this time I'm going to try and avoid my previous, restrictive style of writing and just go crazy, have fun, and tell the story I wanted to tell years ago.

I don't know when it'll be out exactly, but it'll be soon, I promise!

Thank you so, so much for sticking with me all these years after this story's hiatus. I can't wait to get this new story out there and not only give you all the ending you wanted, but to finally put this story to rest in a new, satisfying way.

-soup :)

Madness {Minecraft: Story Mode Fanfiction} {REWRITE IS OUT!!}Where stories live. Discover now