Timeless, Part 1 - Lost Princess

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Five hundred years ago.....

Princesses of Mewni were always a rambunctious lot, all bumbling around like squirrels who had just eaten too much sugar. Sometimes the castle-maids would find them in the closets playing hide and seek, or in the gardens picking flowers. Sometimes they would be practicing their magic with Glossaryck.

Not this princess however.

Luna, daughter of Arcadia the Bold, was anything but bold. You'd never find her roaming the gardens, exploring dusty corners of the castle, or expecting adventure behind every nook and crany. She didn't need any of that, because all her adventures were happening inside her head. She was a dreamer that only rarely and unwillingly woke up to a grey and boring reality. Her mother had very little understanding for her passion of daydreaming. In fact, no one did. Mostly because she was just like a little mouse- silent and hidden even in plain sight. Her family considered her childhood to be lifeless and boring, but while other kids were making trouble, she found a silent corner in the castle in which she took a journey to a fascinating lands.

Uncertain what to do with her, her parents decided give her a few olden books. They wanted her to become interested in Butterfly's heritage. Or so they hoped. What they really did was give her some new best friends. Lots of them. Suddenly, she didn't spend time wandering through some obscure places. Instead, she took sanctuary in the castle's library. Unaware of the riches this place held, she dipped down to the fascinating events of the past.

One late evening, she was digging through book after book like a Grand Carnivorous Mewnian Worm, until her eyes caught the chapter about one of her predecessors - Skywynne, the Queen of Hours. Luna had never really lived in the present, always imagining what might have been and what could be. But the revelation of Skywynne changed all of that. Instead of imagining the possibilities, she now might actually be able to make them into reality. And so, without even realizing it, her obsession with time began to run deeper and deeper into her consciousness.

Her parents soon realized the grave mistake they had made. While before she was hiding in plain sight, now she was hiding literally - the library became her new home. And they liked that even less. They first started slowly, just taking her away from her books. But her reactions were getting worse all the time. She was simply refusing to leave the library, to leave the books, to leave her own perfect world. However, they didn't account for her hidden affability. You see, when you force an animal into a corner with no place to run, it will fight back. Not Luna. She realized that this situation would require cunning thinking. And so, she played by their rules, did what she was asked for and didn't ask any questions of any kind. She was, finally, the perfect little princess her parents wanted for so long.

Until she reached the age of 14.

The wand was what she needed for her plan. Maybe it should have been obvious for everyone since the moment she took over it - a grandiose piece of jewelry turned into an ordinary gray metallic stick. Perhaps her mother would take some precautions, but Luna's smile took her guard down and she hoped to the three moons that her daughter would get better with the help of Glossaryck. Except he knew from the start that she was no ordinary princess. In fact, he had his doubts if she even was a princess at all. Her connection to magic was laughable and her interest in it outright pathetic. Or so he thought.

When it was apparent that familiar books were no longer safe surroundings, she digged deeper. With the wand finally in her possession, she quickly (and equally insufficiently) learned a pretty simple spell. Simple for a person that actually wanted to learn it, that is. So when she went into the library to create her own personal study area to which no one would have access but her, she almost managed to burn the whole place down. Glossaryck couldn't believe his own eyes.

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