Dreamscapes, Part 2 - Whispers

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The Fangus Forest. It was, perhaps, the only forest in all of Mewni that not only wasn't scary during night, but was also peaceful at any time of the day and in any weather. You could take a walk through it even during the deadliest storm with trees wildly moving in strong wind at midnight and you'd still feel like you were at grandma's house while she was baking your favorite cookies. This unique property was being used by nearby villagers for centuries for hunting and gathering. Recently, however, all of that was prohibited by royal decree and the village was basically cut off from their prime source of raw materials. But it wasn't all gloom and doom.

The royal family went through hard times when the princess got seriously ill and the chances of her survival were slim. With the help of the High Commission she got better, but not without consequences. The illness left a mark on her soul and she wasn't able to reciprocate emotions of any kind. As it turned out, this was a much bigger problem than everyone thought. She simply didn't care about anything or anyone, herself included. They realized that the moment she set her own room on fire and stayed inside simply because she was curious about how it felt. As expected, it was painful, but neither the pain nor the look into death's eye caused an emotional response. She was dead inside. Literally.

No magic could help her, so it was decided that she needs a calm and peaceful place where, hopefully, she would recover. The Fangus Forest's tranquility was legendary and it was the only place that had any chance of fixing her condition. So it was decided that the whole place would be off-limits for anyone but royal family. The old lady living deep within its bowels was evicted and given a brand new house near the palace. Her house was then rebuilt and enlarged, so that the princess could have enough space to wander.

And it seemed enough, at least for a while. But soon after they moved in, her boredom was making her careless and, on more than one occasion, she almost killed herself. The king and queen knew that returning to the castle was out of the question, but they couldn't possibly attend to their own daughter 24/7. Someone still had to run the kingdom. The solution to this problem was the recruitment of maids from nearby village that knew this place well and could provide the young heir any necessary attention and needs.


Their caravan was slowly moving on the forest road without any interruption. The scenery was like from a fairytale: the breeze was gently moving leaves in tree crowns, birds were singing their songs and the adjacent river was silently pushing water to the great unknowns.


"Yes, Marco?"

The boy looked at his mother, sitting next to her on the last carriage.

"Why do we have to go there?"

"I told you: the queen and king requested our help. The princess is not feeling well and while they'll be at the castle, we will be taking care of their daughter."

"I understand that. What I'd like to know is why I have to go with you."

"Because I'm not leaving a 10 year old boy without supervision."

"I'm not a little boy anymore! I can take care of myself."

She smiled. "You mean like the last time when you were trying to cook a simple soup for yourself? You burned your hand."

"That was an accident. One which I didn't cause."



"You're going with me and that's final."

"What will I even be doing there? It's just an old stinking house."

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