Dreamscapes, Part 5 - Wishful Thinking

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A white light welcomed Moon's mind to the brilliance of the world around her. Pink and blue flowers danced around her, whisking her away into the clear, cloudless sky. The royal gardens were a wondrous, beautiful place, complimented further by a cool, winding river. A fantastical breeze welcomed new life.

"Mommy?" a small, gentle voice entered through her ears. The source of the voice frolocked across the riverside, which neatly blended with the array of colors and shades that had caught the small girl's eye, locking her in awe.

She turned towards to her child, a beloved, light grey little rascal. Her father had insisted that Moon name her and she had decided to call her "Star". Had she known what the tyke would be like before, she would've called her something more rambunctious, such as "Supernova" or "Avalanche."

But here she was: her beloved darling. With her long head of pale blue hair, a cute little tail and piercing hazel eyes just like her father's.

It was still enrapturing for her to see a monster-mewman hybrid. It was still almost unheard of, and at any other time in history she would have been put to death. "What a beautiful time to be alive," she thought to herself. It was the kind of thinking that edged on daydreaming; she imagined her wonderful lover.

And speaking of the lizard she had happily married - there he was, smiling from a distance. He stood, otherwise stoic and observant. Moon waved back, her silvery hair blowing in the breeze. To the Queen his suit seemed to pop right out at her in this warm, fantasy-like setting and yet it didn't necessarily feel as though it did not belong.

It was a lovely day, indeed, almost dream-like. The beautiful, pastel colored scenery slowly faded. Moon's magnificent family began to slowly disappear. It was a fleeting memory, one that seemed almost lost, but what she had seen gave her no cause for concern regarding such undesirable thoughts, and so she let them go, knowing she would not lose them. The perfect little painting she had stumbled upon disappeared, as a new, more common setting took its place.


The small half-lizard child turned sharply into the dining room with her mother following slowly behind. She stopped in place. After a second of panting, she looked around and realized where she was.

Her back bolted up and then stiffened like a board. She stared at the the dining table with all who were seated at it, seeming completely distracted by Star who ran around them like the half-monster she was. She jumped, ducked, and crawled, like a gymnast, or a warrior, or maybe even a knight. Star always dreamed of being a knight, she always told her father that. Moon wondered why Star never told her. Their relationship was loving, Moon thought, but she was always more open with her father. Toffee told Moon as much. Moon always felt a hint of guilt, a slight spray of remorse, but she thought it better for Star to refrain from telling her, as the caring mother would never had allowed her little angel to partake in such a dangerous career, especially when she's already destined to be queen.

Moon loosened up and made her way towards her lover. The tall lizard had stopped his young daughter from causing a larger ruckus than she already had with his tail. He picked her up and sat her on his lap. Star seemed unfazed, almost as though nothing had interrupted her. Her head fidgeted in many different directions, looking for a possible escape route. Toffee slightly nudged her face to look at his, somehow locking it in place.

"Star. I want you to promise that you won't perform such a distracting performance before dinner again." His soothing voice calmed down the whole table, including his troublemaking daughter.

Star nodded cheerfully, obviously not taking what her father said to heart. But she had calmed down, and for now, that was all Moon could wish for.

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