4 | Agent Carter

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Agent Carter was a legend. A british agent who could take down any man. I admired her for her strength. I want to be just like her. Fearless, Brave, and Badass.

I've not been told how long training would be, only what was expected of me and what I was to learn. We are in charge of preparing a group of men for the SSR Super Soldier Program. One of them was going to be selected to undergo a series of scientific experiments. So we're basically choosing the best lab rat.

I've been told that training will be over when we've chosen a soldier. But what happens after that I don't have a clue.

I waited alone in my quarters for Agent Carter to collect me and begin training. I was given a dark green suit, with a skirt ending just above my knees.

I eventually began to hear a pair of even clicks from down the hallway. They got louder and louder, and then I finally saw the owner standing in the doorway.

I immediately stood up and nodded my head to her. "Agent Carter, It's a pleasure." I extended my hand forward, but she didn't even glance at it.

She looked me dead in the eyes and spoke. "Agent King, I presume?"

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

"I'll get straight to the point then. This is not dress up, this is not a game. This is war, and being an Agent is a way of life, you must separate yourself from your feelings and do the job. If you cannot fully commit to this then you know where the door is." Her very british accent made me nervous, but she wasn't gonna scare me away that easily.

"I know what I signed up for. I'm ready." I spoke confidently.

"Welcome to the SSR, Agent King." She said finally smiling, and extending her hand out to me.

I smirked and took her hand. "Thank you."

"Let's get to work." She said before turning on her heels out the door.

I make sure to stand up straight in front of the male soldiers. I needed to assert some sort of authority over them, like Agent Carter. All of the Officers and Colonels didn't look down on her or give her odd looks.

I did my best to mimic the way she walked and moved, as well as spoke. No, I didn't use her accent, but I kept my voice steady and spoke with force.

We walked in sync together through the camp, with me behind her and slightly off to the side. Eventually making our way to a line of soldiers waiting for us.

"Recruits! Attention!" She shouted at the talkative men. There is a bit of mumbling among them, but they quickly stand up straight how they should've been.

"Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter, and this is Agent King. We supervise all operations for this division." She addressed them as we walked down the line looking at them.

I analyzed the group, they weren't bad looking. In the sense that they weren't small and skinny. They all had some muscle. Except for one.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw him. I almost missed his face under that huge helmet. It took everything I had not to break protocol and yell at him right then and there.

What the hell were you thinking, Steve?

"Was with da accent, Queen Victoria?" One of the soldiers looked at her. "Thought I was signin' up for da U.S. army."

"What's your name, Soldier?" She asked him.

I was annoyed with his sexism at first, then I felt kinda bad for him. He was about to get it.

"Gilmore, Hodge. Your majesty." He said a little too cocky. Idiot.

"Step forward Hodge." She instructed him. I was smirking at the thought of what was about to happen. "Put your right foot forward."

"We gonna wrestle?" He cocked his eyebrows. "Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like."

Hodge barely managed to wink at her before she sends her fist straight at his nose, making him fall back on his ass. This dude had a really bad mouth... maybe his crapped up nose will fix that now.

I glance to the side to see Steve snickering along with the other soldiers. "Agent Carter." Someone says from behind us.

I turn around and there are two men getting out of a car. "Colonel Phillips." She addressed him.

"I can see that you are breaking in the new candidates. That's good." He looks down at Hodge. "Get your ass up out of that dirt and stand up in that lineup at attention until, somebody comes and tells you what to do."

"Yes sir." Hodge stumbles to his feet and stands straight, a small trickle of blood coming from his nose.

"General Patton has said 'Wars are fought with weapons but they are won by men'. We are going to win this war because we have the best men." He looks at Steve when he says that last part with a skeptical look on his face. My first instinct was to bash his face in, but I would most likely have been kicked off of the base.

"And because they're gonna get better." Philips continues. "Much better. The Strategic Scientific Reserve was an allied effort. Made up with the best minds of the free world. Our goal, is to create the best army in history. But, every army starts with one man. At the end of this week, we will chose that man. He will be the first in a new breed of Super-Soldiers. And they, will personally escort Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell."


I know this is kinda short, but I'm gonna update again tomorrow or the next couple days

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I know this is kinda short, but I'm gonna update again tomorrow or the next couple days

Pece bitches 

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