'Ooh what else you got in there?'

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Yakko's POV:

Gotta find Y/N! Gotta find Y/N!
I can't stop thinking about what might be going on in her house.
'Y/N! If you don't scream my name then-'
I shook my head, what was I thinking. I'm so zany...
"So where is Y/N's house?" Wakko interrupted.
We all screeched to a halt.

~~~~After a while of searching~~~~

"Never run away again!" I heard someone yell.
Then, there was a whipping sound, then a loud scream.
"Y/N!!" I yelled.
I think she heard me because there was a yell from inside, "Yakko!!"

Your POV:

"Aww. Calling to your little puppy friends for help. How cute. They'll never be able to hear you." She chuckled.
"They'll come for me." I retorted, "I know they will."
Just then, the door burst open. There, standing at the front of the house, were the Warners, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.
My mother looked super surprised, "What the *beep* are you doing here?!"
"Watch your potty mouth Miss!" Yakko yelled and grabbed a bar of soap from his pants and repeatedly scrubbed her mouth.
"What else you got in there?" I giggled.
He, again, reached into his pants and pulled out a huge mallet. He whacked my mom on the head.
"Hey! That's my job!" Wakko shouted.


Hey guys, sorry it's so short, it's really late at night, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight everybody!! 👋

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