Chapter 11

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 I dressed myself in jeans and a T shirt for my date. I didn't want to go overboard. It was just a movie. I did, however give some effort; I put on a pinch of makeup. I actually kinda liked Jake. He was nice, and not bad on the looks either. His broad shoulders, a muscular arms somehow seemed to compliment the boyish grin that sported his face.

 He was in front of my door on time, in his car. I was actually glad that it was a car and not a motorbike, because I wasn't sure if I was ready to get that close to him, yet. It is just the first date and I didn't want things to move so fast.

"Hey," he rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke. It seemed to be something that he did occasionally. I don't know why, but for some reason I found it attractive.

"Hi," I gave him a smile, "you are punctual."

He handed me a chocolate bar, which had a ribbon tied around it. It was such a sweet gesture.

"For me?"

"Yeah," his left hand moving to rub his right arm now, "I thought it would have been better that flowers, since you could actually eat it."

 I laughed out loud. It was cute, and thoughtful. I was glad that he didn't get me flowers, since roses have been inhabiting my nightmares lately.

"Thank you. It's really sweet of you."

 He opened the passenger door for me, and I got in. He seemed gentlemanly. It was definitely not something you see in guys these days and it was nice. He got onto the driver's seat and started driving. We were chatting about random stuff: we started off with our lecturers, making fun of some of the things they do, or say, and then drifted from topic to topic. We were both laughing, enjoying the drive. I don't remember when I last laughed so much over so many random things. Maybe this was the change that I needed. He was driving slow, perhaps giving us time to talk. Then, all of a sudden, he hit the brakes and almost swerved off the road, as he tried to dodge a car driving recklessly.

He turned to me, his eyes worried,

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. What just happened?"

He let out a breath, "I am sorry. The dude was probably drunk or something. He almost made us skid off road!"

Jake concentrated on the road after this, opting not to speak. Just then, my phone pinged.

UNKNOWN - How could an angel look at someone else when there is someone waiting for her. Those who pull her into evil deserve to see their wrong.

 My eyes widened. Oh god. Was it him who almost caused our car accident. What the hell was wrong with this guy? I couldn't just be paranoid could I? The message came in just a minute or two after what happened. Fear gripped me again.

 When we got there, Jake booked us two seats in the back. It wasn't too crowded, and I was glad. My mind kept drifting off during the movie. I tried to get my mind to focus on what was on the screen, but my paranoia was becoming a monomania, as my brain kept asking the constant question,

"What if he is watching me right now."

 Jake took hold of my hand, which was lying idle on the armrest. His hands were soft, like a child's. My hands didn't feel cold anymore, in his hands. I felt safe, but I knew deep down, that I wasn't, not when my stalker could be anywhere. My heart fluttered a bit, I felt butterflies taking flight inside my stomach. I turned to look at him, but his eyes were glued to the screen. I smiled and turned my attention to the movie. My subconscious might have pitied me; it gave me a small break from the fear and anxiety that was racking my brain.

 We had dinner at a small restaurant after the movie, because we both weren't really so hungry after binging on so much popcorn. We took seats outside the restaurant and ate under the night sky. It was nice, and romantic. I liked this change. Maybe I should give this a chance, and stop anticipating the worst.

He dropped me at home, and walked me to the door.

"I had a great time Dev."

"Yeah, me too."

"I hope we could do it again sometime."

I was glad to hear that he enjoyed it too.

"I would like that."

He looked more handsome in the moonlight, as smile adorned his face.

"Goodnight Dev," he whispered as he leaned forward to kiss me on my cheek.

 "Goodnight," my voice was just a mumble. I was happy, nervous and excited at the same time. I could feel my cheeks heat up, and I hoped that he couldn't see me blush in the dark. He walked away slowly, and waved at me before he got into the car. I waved back, as the car slowly disappeared into the night. The blush didn't seem to leave my face, even as I entered my house. I was happy when I thought of Jake, but afraid, for him and me both, when I thought of the stalker. 

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