Chapter 19

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This guy was getting closer and closer. As I thought, he always had eyes on me. My thoughts seem to drift to and fro what was currently happening in my life, as I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for the alarm to ring. Sleep has been a bliss these days, that I was seldom blessed with. I had spent the night tossing and turning, trying to get some shuteye, succeeding in only getting a few minutes at a time. As dawn closed in, I gave up, and opted to letting my mind wander.

I had lectures in the morning, so I had to leave around seven thirty. It was almost six, so I had plenty of time to get ready. I wasn't in a hurry to get out of bed and get ready, because I didn't know what was to come of the day. So far it has been - I don't even know of a word to describe the train wreck of my life these days. It was a disaster movie waiting to happen.

My phone rang. This was odd for me because no one usually called me at this hour. I checked the caller ID, it was Dee.

"Hey Dev, you awake?"

"Wide awake. What's up?" I didn't have a clue as to why he would call at this time. In the back of my mind, there was a small fear.

"I am sorry for calling so early, but I thought you would like to know where I am with your stalker."

I was sitting up now, "Have you found anything?"

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves okay? The texts are a dead end, I couldn't trace him through that. This was the most solid thing we had in our hands, and the fact that we can't make much use of that puts us in a tight space."

"Oh," was all I could say.

"This guy is good. That, I have to admit. He hasn't left any traces for us to trail. Has he contacted you again?"

I told Dee about yesterday.

"Oh dear. You gotta be safe Dev. Avoid lonely alleyways and anywhere he could catch you alone."

"Yeah. I am kinda afraid now, coz I don't know what this creep is capable of, and -" I was at loss of words to finish the sentence.

"Try not to worry too much Dev. We'll put an end to this. Just take a few precautions for now. I don't think this guy is out to hurt you, it's just the others we need to worry about."

"That's even worse Dee. We don't know who he'll target next."

"Hmm... Anyways we'll see what is gonna happen. I gotta go now."


"Be safe."

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