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"When something Is missing in your life, it turns out to be someone."

- Robert Brault


The cherry blossoms' swayed with the gentle breeze of the afternoon. Its orange highlights makes it more fascinating to look at, its fragrance also adding to its calming atmosphere.

The shrine that was located in the vicinity of the trees' stood proudly with its beautiful attraction, catching the eyes of every visitor that comes passing by.

Ellie was silently stood beside the trees as she glanced at you who is curiously looking at a certain tree, like you are quietly ransacking your little mind about something that is supposed to be 'forgotten'. Ellie knows it too well who you are trying to remember.

Sakura. Or also known as 'Tamanone' the time she is still living as a human.

Sakura is Yato's first regalia when he was still young. The one who has a very caring personality who looked after Yato and you.

Unfortunately, she turned into a phantom because Yato had revealed her past life to her. A god's greatest secret. When a god revealed the regalia's past life to them, they will be corrupted and soon be turned into a phantom.

"Sakura. I swear I had known a person with that name," you mumbled which is clearly heard by Ellie.

You heard Ellie let out a sigh then slowly approached you, her every footsteps made soft sounds as it made contact with the fallen leaves from the trees.

Her movements came to a halt then sat beside you who is still staring at the Sakura tree.

Ellie also stared at the trees, remembering the well-mannered regalia. She also had known Sakura, they are actually in pretty good terms. It is indeed very sad losing someone like her, she's a precious girl who always makes sure everyone is happy around her.

"It feels like something is missing, Ellie," you blurted out, surprising your cousin.

You sighed then glanced at your cousin. "Nevermind. How's you and Kagutsuchi?" you asked.

You chuckled as you seen her huff and rolled her eyes, arms crossed. "As usual. We don't get along, he is such an ass," she chuckled, standing up from where they are sat at. She stretched her limbs then yawned. Ellie motioned for you to stand up as she glanced back at you.

"I think we should go for a walk yeah?" Ellie suggested.

(Now thinking of what her cousin told her earlier, it seems like she's just hindering her cousin to complete herself. Her memories is what completes her, so why stop it? Fate can never be changed, she thought.)

You looked at her expectantly, your golden eyes gleaming. "I'm going to show you something," she told you.

"Soramaru! Haru! Hanamaru! We'll be going for a walk for a while!" you told your regalias then both Ellie and you teleported somewhere.

Your golden eyes scanned the area where Ellie teleported the both of you in. Somehow deep in your mind, you felt a strong connection with this place. You admired the flowing river that seem to be glowing orange because of the setting sun. You felt the urge to play there but you stopped yourself since it might look like a bit childish.

"Why did you bring me here?"

You glanced at Ellie who had a sad smile plastered on her lips. Your eyes widened because of this, asking Ellie what's wrong. "This is the place where you were killed, [first name]-Aneki," Ellie said, letting out a small but sad laugh.

Ellie can still remember it like it just happened yesterday but no, it already happened a very long time ago.

"Killed?" you asked, then a flash of memory came rushing to your mind making you hold your head in pain. The pain also vanishes as soon as the memory ended.

You remembered the night sky enchanted with the beauty of the stars, the moon slightly lighting up the scenery and some parts of the beautiful dark heavens. The galaxies seems to be visible too, adding a few colors on the skies. It felt cold. The pain is unbearable. You saw the cameo of the one who held you. Judging from the posture and body build, it's a male. But his face is somehow hidden, you can't get the glimpse of him.

You flickered your golden hues at Ellie's silver ones. "Who killed me?" you asked but Ellie already turned her back from you and started to walk.

"That's all for today. You should find it out for yourself, it's for the best. Don't you agree?" Ellie said, turning at you once again who has a troubled expression visible on you features.

Before you could answer, someone fake coughed catching both of your attention. "Ah, I thought you're going to do everything to never remind her of that?"

A dark haired male walked towards the two of you slowly. You chuckled at this. "Kagutsuchi, fancy meeting you here?" you said.

You glanced at your cousin and caught Ellie's eye twitched just by seeing the god's face. Kagutsuchi looked amused at Ellie's irritated expression, sending her an annoying smirk, only adding to the flame of hate on her heart. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE, KAGUTSUCHI?" Ellie snapped, grabbing him by the collar.

You pulled Ellie away from the god, an amused chuckle escaping your lips. Ellie glared at you who is definitely shipping her with this so-called 'god'.

"Enough with this, lover's quarrel. Kagu-san, what are you doing here?" you asked the god of fire.

The god looked at you sternly then flicked your forehead much in your confusion. "[first name]gami, you should leave this place now. Rabo always visits this place at night for his entertainment purposes," Kagutsuchi warned, making Ellie look at him in surprise. "R-Rabo? That awful god. I swear if I got my hands on him I will burn him into---"

"Last time I checked... Ellie-sama is the god of TRANQUILITY. What happened to you?" Kagutsuchi let out a laugh but then pushed the two of you to leave the place.

Ellie rolled her eyes then got hold of your arm who was left deep in thought. "Who's Rabo?" you asked, making Ellie stop on her tracks. 

'Rabo...' you thought.

You remembered Tenjin-sama telling you about him. That he is dangerous. That you shouldn't get close to that man.

Ellie sighed then faced you, "You don't have to worry about him for now, let's just leave before he comes here and find y--- I mean, us."



I'm very sorry! I know, I know... I just have to take a break from everything before starting this story once more TT^TT I'm too stressed out those months back, please forgive me! I will try to make it up for those lost times *facepalm*

Anywaaaays, I'm still trying to figure out this story-making thing so... don't be afraid to comment if there is something wrong with my story and I will try to look at it if I could fix it somehow. I may not be able to satisfy you but I will do my best in improving!

See you on the next chapter, and thank you for reading my story~ Please vote if you 'like', it is appreciated~ <3

- Weiss



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