-004- [PUZZLES]

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"Life is a puzzle. Putting it together is a challenge."



Ellie, the god of tranquility, is silently sat on her chair. Her mind is full of hows and what ifs.

She is supposed to be calm, but not this time it seems.

She drummed her fingers on her desk, creating series of beats that somehow helped her to ease her agitated being.

Hiyori suddenly walked towards her with worry, "Are you okay, Ellie?" she asked, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

Ellie looked up to see her pink hues. The god gave her a small smile then nodded, her eyes now looking back at her phone that received a message from Kofuku.

'Don't worry. They hate each other,' the message read.

Ellie let out a relieved sigh, then put her phone back at her bag then spared a glance at Hiyori once more.

"Hey, how's it going between you and Yato?" The god sent her a knowing smirk, sending the half-phantom into a blushing mess.

"W-what are y-you talking about!" Hiyori stuttered out as she fiddled with her fingers nervously, her eyes looking everywhere except at the god who looked at her in amusement. Ellie hummed, signaling Hiyori that she knows they are going too well.

"Has Yato been acting weird these past few days?" Ellie suddenly asked, surprising the human girl.

Hiyori placed a finger on her chin then hummed. "Well, there are times that he seems lost in his mind," she admitted, looking at Ellie who looked at her expectantly.

Ellie frowned then rest her chin on the palm of her hand as her elbow is against the desk for support. "Is that so?"

Before Hiyori could say more, their teacher had already entered the classroom, making her go back to her seat reluctantly.


You don't know how exactly it happened but you are in a heated argument with Yato again.

You were assigned to be partners for the day, which is not really a good thing.

But you don't have other choice since it's what the professor had already assigned.

"I told you... it's not supposed to be there," Yato scolded you who had your eyes narrowed at the male beside you.

You scoffed then still continued to draw lines on the position where Yato had told you not to draw on.

The male god let out an exasperated sigh then lean on the backrest of his seat. "You really are stubborn," he commented, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He glanced at you who looked at him with a mocking smirk.

"Can't handle me, Yato-sama?" you teased, letting out a giggle then started to continue your work.

You heard him groan then moved closer to you once again to look at the assigned task. "You draw like a five-year-old," he teased then grabbed the pencil away from you as well as the drawing paper.

You glared at him but then let him finish yours and his work. "Our work looks like been made by a child!" Yato commented, looking at you. Your frown deepened at that.

"And it's your fault!" you accused, your arms now crossed in front of you.

"Or is it?" Yato retorted, his eyebrow raised at you.

You sighed then went to lean on the backrest, closing your eyes to calm yourself down. 'How could I even get along with this guy? His attitude is unbearable,' you thought. 'No wonder Ellie doesn't like him at all.' 

You opened your eyes and caught Yato staring at you but then averted his gaze quickly.

He stood up abruptly passing your work to the person assigned to hold the class' works then returned back to his seat, looking outside the window once more probably to relieve himself from the embarrassment of being caught staring.

"Oi, Yaboku. Thinking of your girlfriend again?" you asked, light chuckles leaving your lips as soon as Yato looked at you with a flustered face.

"Shut it [nickname]. Can't you just shut up for once?" he snapped.

You had seen his eyes widened almost immediately which you knew you mirrored quite well.

You looked at him in surprise then went to look straight up ahead, thinking you might be really going out of the line.

"Fine," you finally breathed out.

You can see him hesitating to say something from your peripheral vision, judging from how he opens his mouth then close it without letting out any words. "Sorry," you decided to say.

(Somehow, seeing your expression clenched his heart . It makes him so confused. There really is something off and he can't put it together. It's like a puzzle that somehow some of its pieces had been lost, forgotten. He ruffled his hair in frustration, this is making him very uncomfortable. His curiosity itched like hell and he needs to find this out soon.)


Hi guys, I really am sorry I haven't updated for so long. It's just that so many things had been going on for the past days and so sorrrryyyyy! But just as I promised, another chapter after I finished those works I have to do. I hope you enjoy!

Stay Cool <3

- Weiss


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