Broken Luminescent

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2 Months Later

One: Falling to Black Unknown

Julia:Everything was different now, nothing was the same. Every veil that covered my world was lifted. I was not Julia Vargas head cheerleader and Junior anymore.

I was something completely different.

My name is Julia Mubarak; I am a girl with immense power with a family that is deep and full of secrets.

You’re never quiet sure what will happen in my world, especially when everything is flipped. When your mind is not sure whether to believe murders or liars. Or when your apart of a legacy that is too great to believe.

When your identity is ripped from you; you become lost for some time. I was like that, for some time, maybe I still am, but I still have a firm grasp on what I am.

Yet, I still feel like I’m falling – not walking – on a path so dark that I won’t be able to go back.

Uncle Donny says that I have to go farther into my powers and family in order to feel whole again; to be myself again. Ever since Donny brought us back to his house in up state New York Donny has been explaining the world….my friend was apart of.

That my family is apart of.

I was apart of an ancient line called Mubarak; a family that was sworn in blood enemies of werewolves.

My Family was butchered because of them; they were not my friends. Not anymore.

“Julia, what are you thinking about?” Derek asked; leaning against my door hedge to my bedroom.

I sighed and closed the book that was between my knees and petted the black leather cover. I was sitting on the white window ledge, looking down at the pasture of my family’s land.

“Nothing.” I smiled and looked down at the book and the curve of threaded moon in the middle.

Derek sat down next to me, leaning his dark auburn ruby hair against the window, that’s when I noticed how straight his nose was.

He looked back at me, his dark emerald eyes smiled at me. “Nothing again, huh?” he placed his large tan hands on top of mine.

I shrugged, “Nothing important.”

He grabbed my old book and placed it on my oak stand, right below my oil lamp that flickered against my dark wooden walls.

Derek put his large hands around my tiny waist and sat me on his sturdy lap. I coiled under his dubious chin and curled my fingers around the hair on his neck.

We had become close over my couple months here. Derek seemed to be the only person that understood, that got me to be proud about my heritage. He was there even when I hated him so much that I threw him against a tree…twice. Yet, he came back, either out of stupidity or…well; I’m not sure what else.

But, I would be lying if I said Derek was the only person I cared for. There were lingering feelings in me; stirring in my dreams of poppy pastures.

I held tighter on to Derek.

“Nothing important as usual.” He kissed the top of my head with his soft pink supple lips.

I looked up at him. “Where were you last night? You missed dinner.”

He sighed and looked away from me, “Daniel had me pick some things for the celebration.” He cleared his throat.

I sighed and sat up, “I forgot about that.”

Derek grinned and played with one of my long braids, “Don’t worry, it’s not that bad, trust me.”

“Yeah, but –“

Broken Luminescent - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now