Nine: Blood of Luminescent Night

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Julia: Jonathan crashed to the ground; blood splattering and streaking on the dark dirt ground. His body tousled like a rag across the harsh ground, while the gray headed man grinned with triumph and Derek was emotionless.

I sobbed and crawled my way to the crumpled Jonathan. I wiped my tears away and lifted his head onto my lap. My fingers brushed back his messy twine hair. My tears landed on his white cheek. His blood pressed against my jeans and the gash on his side over flowed.

“Jonathan.” I cried and rocked back and forth.

“Julia, get away from him!” Derek scolded.

I barely heard him.

“Jonathan, please...please open your eyes.” I pressed my lips to his forehead.

I felt like I was back in the hospital; watching him die before my eyes all over again. I couldn't do anything.

“Julie,” Derek tried to soften me with that awful nickname he gave me. “it's over, please, leave that monster and come here!”

I looked down at Jonathan's still face. “Monster?” I whispered.

I watched the small wispy movements of his chest and shook my head. “No.”

I felt such anger surge through me like a tidal wave growing through my veins; a raging wildness that I had held barred, but now I let free.

My heart raced; crashing to the point it felt like knives pushed themselves from the inside and escaping from my skin with slow pace. Tears traveled down my cheeks, yet I was furious. Suddenly, the tension grew and I let out a scream; I felt heat around my hands.

I looked down; flames; orange and licking around my hands and fingers. There was no burning sensation; it felt like being next to a roaring fire. Sweat filled my palm.

In a swift and instinct motion I flew my hands across the group of gawking and hate-filled people. The fire escaped from my fingers; like pulling long string through a garment in my skin.

It was in a flash; a quick dark moment that came from deep inside me. A place that I don't recognize. When I looked up there was a large wall of burning flames that reached to each far end of the valley. It high and balmy; thundering with all the might I gave it.

I was in shock; panting and felt utterly expired. I looked down at my hands and watched as the dimmed into a blue smoke as my anger faded with it.

I felt a harsh and sudden gust of wind; it sounded like a jet turbine or a hurricane to be more exact. I looked up and saw the head of a woman with light white blond hair that was short and frayed to her ears.

She held one hand to the fire; a dark tunneling wind in her palm that sucked my red fire from the ground.

As it lowered I saw the woman was in the air; holding herself up with the wind her other hand generated. I held up my hand over my eyes as the wind began to suck up dirt clumps and leaves.

I looked to Jonathan who was still in the dark earth storm. My ears were clogged with the noise of the harsh wind that drew my fire completely away. I went toward Jonathan with my eyes shut tight.

I was pushed back as if a large sack slammed into my gut; throwing the air inside my lungs and my entire body back. I twirled in the air; my ears blasting from the noise. The world turned and blurred into one color; a mixing of green and brown.

I thought I would go on forever with the feeling of utter loss of control until I felt myself shatter into a tree. My back came across the harsh bark of a hundred year old tree and skin began to tear as I slid down it's rough surface. Then my face planted into the dark mudding ground.

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