Four: Black and Fire

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Lacey: I was sitting at the window ledge of my room, looking at the busy streets below. I was distracted, I had been distracted for almost a month now. All I could think about was Loup; he clouded everything. I clasped on the images of that night in Fox's home, desperately reviewing him over and over again.

Then I'd remember he's a werewolf. It's unusual for my kind to love his kind, for them both to be together. It's frowned upon. I've never heard of anyone loving a werewolf.

Aunt Clara hasn't visited Fox in awhile, still angry about their dispute. I don't understand why she's so upset over him. She's been so distracted lately, constantly dropping things which is unlike her.

Richard's too busy at the post and his new girl. She's a blond, perfect looking as always. Richard's just pawning over her and forgetting about me, his cousin. I'm happy for him, truly, but he was the one helping me with my powers. Now, I have to ask Aunt Clara, but she's too busy with the baby to help me. So, I decided not to lean on anybody for help, and help myself.

I was looking at a vase, finally cleared my mind of all distractions and focused on breaking it. But then the door bell rang. This made me curious because all those whoever come here live here and they all have keys.

I walked downstairs to the door and saw a man's figure standing there. He wore a brim hat by the looks of it. Maybe it was one of Richard's coworkers or drinking buddies.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror by the door, fixing the clasps of my round neck blue dress and straighting the red ribbon in my hair.

I grabbed the key to the door and heaved my fingers against the many metal locks along the door and then inserted the key unlocking the last one.

I dropped the keys immediately once I saw who it was.

“Uh.” I said biting my lip and looking down. “Oh.” I bent down and grabbed the key.

“I'm sorry for the disturbance, Miss, but I'm here to see Clarice.” He had such a dark voice, so soft like velvet.

I swallowed, “Oh, uh, she is gone at the moment. She should be back soon.” I opened the door wider. “Come in, please.”

Loup hung his gray hat on the hook and took off his expensive looking fur coat.

“I'll get that.” I said too excitingly. I hung his coat on the coat bracket.

“Thank you.” he said, clearing his throat.

“Follow me.” I said. I wish I could fan myself at this very moment, just to cool down. I was balmy, but the house was a little drafty. I led him to the parlor and started a fire.

“You don't have to do that.”

“Oh, I know.” I still kept doing it. I wanted to make him comfortable. I'm so foolish. “So, why do you want to meet my Aunt, Sir?” I asked, surprisingly calm.

“Call me Loup, Miss.” He chuckled when he saw my shocked face. “Odd name I know. Aren't you going to sit and keep me company?”

I nodded and sat down quickly, “Uh, you still haven't answered my question?” I said politely.

“I'm here on business for Fox.” He leaned forward, “Are you Lacey?” He said my name so intimately.

I looked away, “Yes.” I smiled and blushed. “It's an odd name.”

“I like it.” He said sincerely with a nice long smile.

I looked at my hands, “Thank you.” I said and felt as if something heavy was sitting on my chest.

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