Eight: Hearts Broken Upon Full Moon

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Julia: Perhaps it was childish to run off after Loup told us him and Jonathan were leaving just after he told us that Kyle and I were perfectly safe and no one knew about us.

 I know that Donny and all of them are right; that they should leave. I just wanted to act a little selfish and be mad. I didn't want Loup or Jonathan to leave. Jonathan is my best friend and even more important than that are my other romantic feelings.

 Will we never be given a chance to really act on them? Instead he's doing the whole chivalry thing and leaving to protect me and my family; why can't he be a bit selfish and say 'fuck this I'm staying!'.

 But, I know that if he did he would regret it and probably hate himself.

 I wiped my tears and looked at my palm; my fingers tracing the burnt Mark. My life is so upside down; it's so wrong where I am now. I wish I was talking to Roxy or Cary and I hated that I hadn't thought of them until now when I'm incredibly lonely. Yet, what would I tell them? I had to go away because werewolves might kill me.

 Donny already came up with a reason to mine and Kyle's sudden disappearance; a family member passed away. It's reasonable and maybe they would understand why I haven't called.

 No, they wouldn't. They probably hate me right now.

 I wiped the wetness off my cheek. I sat on my bed with my legs curled close to my body. It's going on three thirty, but I didn't have a need to sleep right now. I was just sitting here with my self inflicted isolation and with tears in my eyes. If it sounds pathetic it's because it is.

 I heard a knock on the door.

 I cleared my throat and patted my eyes. “Who is it?”


 I felt my heart tug and race.

 “Come in.” My voice faltered, but he must of heard me because he came right in.

 Jonathan stood there looking at me with wary eyes and an apprehensive stance. He looked so handsome; hadn't changed at all from the time he was human. His coffee curls were flat a bit and messily collected around his head. His sharp hazel eyes were brighter in the dark; giving him like I said once a bad boy look. He was wonderful; not in looks, but in his personality.

 I felt my cheeks warm; I really loved him, didn't I? Why is it I only realize how much I truly love him until he's gone? Is it that whole 'you don't know what you have until it's gone' thing?

 He sat at the edge of my bed with his head cocked to the side and his eyes keenly searching my face. “You okay?” He asked.

 I shrugged, “Don't ask.”

 “So, you're not, huh?” Then he crookedly grinned. “It is kind of obvious with the tissue and your red eyes, plus I can smell the tears.” He groaned and reached toward my gas light; turning it on swiftly with his long fingers.

 “Smell the tears, huh?” I sniffled.

 He nodded, “Don't be embarrassed; I've seen you cry before.” He said as if that in itself wasn't an embarrassing fact.

 “Yeah.” I muttered.

 Jonathan sighed and sat criss-cross in front of me with his hands on his ankles, “So, are you mad at me?”

 I sighed, “Yes and no.”

 He nodded and took a deep breath, “You can yell at me; I don't mind. I think I can take it.”

 I shook my head and let my long dark brown hair fall over my shoulders, “No, I don't want to yell at you.”

 I felt tears bubble up into my eyes.

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