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Ever since I've found those notes, I've been taking a few of my own. But, I'm not foolish enough to leave them out in the open, able to be accessed by anyone that can open a portal! No, these notes, they're somewhere no one can get them, they're in my head. I've almost always had a good memory, it's how I memorize expressions, remember what's good or normal, or what's bad and "taboo" and these notes will be taken to the grave. It's best that I find their weakness before they find mine. I already know the other parasites weaknesses, but these three were a bit interesting.

Error: very powerful, most likely hard to kill. Doesn't open up easily, befriending out of the question. Probably insane. Weaknesses hard to find, but I have grown aware of a few. Short tempered, probably able to get into trouble easily. Easily distracted by me and others he doesn't really like if I find a reliable ally, the combination of distracting and the element of surprise may be enough to take him out.

Ink: Doesn't suspect a thing from me. (Unless he is the one writing those notes about me) Friendly to most, including me, can be distracted in a relatively easy way. When he trusts me enough, betrayal is the way to go if he begins to become a threat.

Geno: Most likely suspect for mystery person planning my downfall. Always tired, may be susceptible to attack when asleep. Already dead, how can I do it? During Nightmare's attack, Geno grew a bit tense when Nightmare was searching for a place to strike, a place to strike inside his body. Once Nightmare reached the area where a soul is supposed to be, Geno went limp. My conclusion? Geno's weak spot is his soul, and if it is done right, I'll do what I do best and get rid of him.

The nail in the coffin of my speculating, I found Geno at the desk of the not so mysterious person, pen in hand and everything. I looked through even more notes, seeing that he not only knew my secrets, but he knew everyone else's. He just made my notes a little bit longer. I walked out letting him live a bit longer if he's planning to attack me soon, I have to do it sooner. When it comes to stuff like this, there is no second person to betray the other.

But, if he tries to attack in front of other people, I'll let him try to strike, and use my tactic. Self-defense. As long as there are no flaws in this planning, things should go swimmingly.

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