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As I stood still thinking about what type of parasite Nightmare could be if he wasn't one like me, when I heard someone behind me. I turned to see the Dust Sans, it was unchained, his master nowhere in sight.

I immediately thought he was going to maul me or something without the proper restraints, but apparently, he just wanted to talk.

I paid no mind to whatever he was saying, it was meant for the host, though it was a bit confusing before I got it, thinking that he was telling me that I was still in there. Now that I think about it, the Host hasn't fought back in so long. Huh, wonder what he's doing.

The Dust Sans finally asked me something, if I wanted to go to Grillby's with him. Saying that he didn't want to see a fake Papyrus again. I shrugged, not thinking much of it, and we were off. He began to raid the kitchen for food, as I just watched from the other side of the room. I began to hear something banging on the door, and I saw that Nightmare had found the Dust Sans, and was planning a little hunt.

His minions had tried to charge the Dust Sans, but he was too quick for them. He toppled a couple over as he ran out into the forest. Nightmare began ordering his dark servants as well as me, saying that I would be pinned to the wall like one of those butterflies. The thought sunk into me for a few moments, and I ran off to catch Nightmare's fugitive.

As I ran (mostly walked) I saw the Dust Sans standing in between some trees, and before I could move another inch, he tackled me and dug into my shoulder blade. He had that crazy look in his eyes for a moment, then they flashed back to the way they were before. He apologized and was about to leave when Nightmare caught up.

I was already acquainted with Nightmare's powers so I wasn't surprised by the sudden impalement of the Dust Sans. He had gone limp, like he usually did with this kind of scenario. Nightmare said that he needed to tame him more, which I agreed to.

Nightmare felt like taking me to his own little domain/torture chamber. It was this huge castle, with those minions patrolling everywhere. Well, I wouldn't call it patrolling, more like goofing off and actually trying to look productive when Nightmare came around to check on them, they weren't the brightest things.

Anyway, Nightmare basically showed the basics on his way to where he kept what he called a "trophy" He quite literally dragged me around trying to get me to hurry up.

I saw that Ink, Geno, and a few others were somehow here, and this wasn't really the best place for them to be right now, Specifically with the combination of me being here right now, with a short-tempered Nightmare and my previous history with the rest of them.

As we came to a garden with dead and shrivelled up flowers and shrubs, I saw a pedestal in the middle. Holding a familiar face.

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