Chapter 20

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                The next day I woke up with Tyson next to my bedside. Gabe walked through the door and I asked for him to get out. “Just let me talk.” Gabe pleaded. Tyson stood up and was going to force Gabe out of the room but I stopped him. “No… I want to hear what he has to say.” I ordered. Tyson nodded and sat down.

                “Can I talk to her alone?” Gabe inquired. Tyson looked to me and I nodded. He got up and left going to grab some breakfast. “Talk.” I ordered.

“Yes, Alexis and I were together and yes I might still have feelings for her_”

“I honestly don’t want to hear about that.”

“We did that because we both know that you are in love with Tyson… I know that from the way you look at him… Even when you’re mad at him… I needed to do that so you can be with him… I am in love with Alexis… So it worked out for both of us… Right?”

“Tyson has a girlfriend.”

“She’s a horrible person and Tyson is obviously getting tired of her.”

“Gabe… I’m not mad that you love someone else… I’m not mad that it’s one of my best friends… I love you both… But what I am mad about is how you showed it.”

“I should’ve told you some other way… I just wanted Tyson to know that it was over between you and me… Please forgive me.” He begged. I sighed and nodded. He came up and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and held him close for a second. I didn’t want to tell him that I couldn’t walk… I didn’t know if he knew or not so I kept my mouth shut.

Tyson entered the room and Gabe winked at me before leaving. “You okay?” Tyson asked sitting beside me. I nodded and gave a half smile. I looked at my phone at the messages that Alexis sent me apologizing. I replied with how Gabe explained everything. She congratulated me on getting a spot on the Devil’s team and I quickly shut my phone. “When’s your next game?” I questioned.

“Tonight… But I’m not planning on going.”


“I’d rather be here with you.”

“I want you to go out there and do your best.”

“But if you need me_”

“There are nurses and doctors I can get help from… I’d give anything to be able to go back onto the ice, to play… To walk… Please don’t take that for granted and please don’t worry about me.” I begged. He nodded and stood up to leave for his game. I sat alone with the noises of the TV in the background.  

I was horrified of not being able to walk again. I worked so hard to get where I am with hockey. I practiced for hours a day and went to the gym every other day. I would miss never being able to play. I would miss trying to be the first female drafted for the NHL. I knew that as soon as I could get out of this damn hospital I would be working on trying to walk again. Nothing would be able to stop me from trying.

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