*wink wink*

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Wearing a short yellow poof-ball of a dress, I go downstairs to find several girls ranting about date cards, and Christy holding court.
Trina flags me down immediately and starts smoothing my hair down. "Are you alright? I thought you were dead!" She hugs me close to her chest while I squirm. "Hold still, pipsqueak."
The Royal Family walks in, and Trina lets me go. We dash to our seats, and breakfast begins. We'll be having tea with the Queen this afternoon, and mote etiquette lessons this morning.
Peter seems delightfully happy, and keeps staring at Christy. She's been wearing mostly red dresses, and I can see all of the girls have copied her today now. Except me and Trina.
I'm wearing yellow, and she's got the green dress to match her hair.
I have the same breakfast, minus the orange juice. Nit feeling it today. As we exit towards the classroom, Peter calls ouy, "Christy, can I talk with you a minute?"
Christy seperates from us with a flirtacious wink at Peter.
Couple of short sections. Don't worry. Eventually, we'll get to all of the action and it'll really start to flow.
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