The Guests

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The first guest to arrive is Shane Dawson, who will be the Renegade for the evening. He's looking especially nice tonight in his leather jacket, grey pants, and matching tie; then again, anything's better than those oversized T-shirts he usually goes around in. And honestly, the scruff he's been sporting lately suits him, especially considering the takes-no-bull persona he seems to have been going for.

Next comes Eva Gutowski, the Journalist. She's wearing a long red coat over a white blouse and a greenish-brown skirt, and her brunette hair has been teased into a simple shoulder-length 'do. A white hat with a brown bow tied around it completes her vintage look.

A mere five minutes later, GloZell Green shows up, ready to wow the crowd as the Jazz Singer. And boy, does she look the part—she's got a snazzy blueish-black dress on, some furs draped over that, and a pair of blue gloves to top the whole thing off. Also, she's wearing a flashy headband over her usual wig, and of course a myriad of necklaces and jewels.

Oli White, the Big Game Hunter, is right on GloZell's heels. He's in a white button-down shirt and a pair of suspenders that would make him look like a lumberjack if it wasn't for the fur coat he's got on over it. As it is, he looks slightly imposing, but still clean-cut enough to avoid appearing dangerous.

After him is Justine Ezarik, the Gambler. She's letting her long blonde hair hang loose in ringlets down her shoulders, topping off the hairstyle with a pretty little headpiece on her forehead. The sparkling white dress and matching mink coat she has on practically scream glamour; she's the human equivalent of a crystal chandelier.

Andrea Brooks, the Fixer, makes her appearance shortly afterward. With her all-black ensemble (excepting, of course, the black-and-white silk coat that looks like something a sorceress would wear) and the red necklace that goes so well with her copper-colored hair, she's giving off serious coven vibes. Her simple-yet-seductive hairstyle only adds to the look, not to mention her eye shadow and dark red lipstick.

Then comes Matt Haag, the Professor. He's got an authentic World War I jacket on over a pair of suspenders, a white shirt, and a bow tie. It's a look that's somewhat dweeby, yet surprisingly dapper, and Matt manages to pull it off quite nicely.

Sierra Furtado is next inside, the tiara on her head signifying her role as the Heiress. Tiara aside, she's pretty much a princess in her little white dress and dainty heels, and of course she's got the white gloves to match. Her dark hair has been styled into an elegant bun, and even the way she carries herself indicates royalty.

When Lele Pons arrives, she struts through the door, holding her head high and grinning like she owns the place. As the Hustler, she's all decked out in at least four pearl necklaces, which go very nicely with the white headband holding her blonde side bun in place. She's also wearing a sleek black dress, and over that, a silver top that makes her look almost magnetic.

Finally, Timothy DeLaGhetto, the Mobster, turns up (he's a few minutes late, but no one seems to notice or care). His hair is slicked back in a man-bun, but it's his outfit that's truly eye-popping; plaid pants and a plaid jacket over a plaid vest over a white shirt. The clothes...the hair...even the sneaky little smirk on his face indicates how much the guy is channeling his inner bad boy.

Joey himself has just gotten changed into a black-and-white tux, complete with a long black blazer and a matching bow tie. As he follows Arthur downstairs to greet his guests, the Savant is sweating just a bit; after all, he's never actually thrown a party this fancy before, and he just hopes he doesn't accidentally mess everything up.

(By the end of the night, that's going to be the least of his worries.)

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