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Jesus, that was intense. First Shane died, then the car blew up, and now a spirit board just went and talked to them...if she didn't know any better, GloZell would swear she's dreaming.

But oh no, it's not a dream, it's real and true and terrifying.

While everyone else scouts around the library looking for the books they need, she's in the parlor with her old friend Joey Graceffa, scouting 'round in case the demon went and left something in there. To be honest, she's still a wee bit wary of Joey (Shane said the house did it, and she believes him, but Joey, it's your house), so she stays behind him as he searches the lil' tables and stuff.

And lo and behold, there's a book!

"That's gotta be it," says GloZell as Joey picks up the book in question. "What's on the side?"

Fortunately for Lele's patience (I mean come on, they can't spend their entire freakin' lives looking for these clues), Matt finds whatever it is they need to find in fifty seconds flat.

"So I'm not sure if I was supposed to open this cabinet," he confesses, standing next to a clearly already-opened cabinet, "but there is a symbol here...on the chest..." He points at the locked chest inside the cabinet and yep, he's right, that's the same freakin' symbol all right. "And there's a lock with a symbol on it."

Lele frowns. "So we need a key."

"No, we need a code!" Sierra exclaims.

Lele takes a closer look at the chest and ugh, she hates these combination lock things. Mainly because she's always too stupid to remember the combination.

Oli, who's holding the one book they did find, absentmindedly skims through its pages. Eva stands next to him, her brown eyes fixed on the symbol glittering on its spine.

"All right, so the code is probably in the book," says Tim, pointing to the book in Oli's hands. He's still got that slick-but-suspicious Mafia vibe to him, and demons or no demons, he's still at the top of Lele's most-likely-to-be-the-murderer list.

"Wait, hold on!" Oli, on the other hand, is not even in her top twenty. Out of all the boys, he's probably the nicest one here. "This has a number on it!"

He holds up the book, and there's a golden 6 glittering on its spine.

Eva points at the study, muttering something about another book, and that's when Lele realizes what they've got to do. "There's another one here," she shouts, pointing at a book someone left next to the potted plant. "Where's the other book?"

"Okay, so get the other book," says Oli.

One or two people dart off to the study, presumably to get that book Eva was muttering about. Lele marches over to the potted plant, but Justine gets there first, and the two blondes huddle over the red-covered book before them.

"What's that?" asks Justine, turning the book over so that its spine is visible. "I mean...that's a symbol."

She's right; it is that freakin' symbol again. Honestly, Lele is getting real tired of seeing that thing everywhere she goes. When she gets home, she's gonna make damn sure she never sees another weird symbol again.

If she gets home...

She will. She will.

"This is the first book," Oli remarks, holding up the book in question. He's actually not sure if the book he has is the first one, especially considering the fact that it has the number 6 on it. Anything's possible, really.

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