Christmas holidays

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After the yule ball most of the students left for the christmas. Sophia and Jade wrote their names on the list of those who will stay at Hogwarts. Then they ate their breakfast in the Great Hall where there were a few students who also stayed here. There was nobody else from slytherin, two griffindors, three hufflepuffs and seven ravenclaws.
"So what do you plan to do during the holidays?" Jade asked.
"Well first I want to get some extra sleep after breakfast because that is a privilege that we otherwise can't afford," she said, laughing. "But i don't know, we could go outside a little bit and we could play wizard chess. Oh and I have to practice transfiguration. Not a lot, of course, but a little bit won't do any harm. And I plan on going to library because there are some fascinating books and I just don't have time to read during school." Jade nodded.
"Sounds good to me." she said. After finishing their breakfast they went back to the bedroom and rested. After that they did everything they said and just hung out.
The next morning Sophia violently woked Jade up.
"What," Jade said, clearly annoyed.
"What do you think? We have christmas presents," she said excitedly. They went down to the common room where there was a christmas tree and the presents under it. Sophia grabbed the first one. She opened it and read the letter.
"Hey sis,
I hope you are enjoying the holidays at Hogwarts. Everything is good at home, nothing new. But mum forced me to learn how to cook christmas food. Let's just say that it was hard, these dishes are not as easy to make you know?
I got you something that I think you will like. It's a pouch but not an ordinary pouch. It's a mokeskin pouch that can't be opened by anybody else than his owner. Whatever you keep inside nobody will be able to take it. It alao has an enchantment that makes its capacity bigger . And by the way, don't forget to write me back. I wanna know how was the yule ball.
Sophia smiled. Her brother was really awesome and she loved him a lot. She opened the present. The mokeskin pouch was like a small bag and she was excited to use it.
"Jade," she said. "What did you got?" Jade turned around.
"My parents sent me this owl. That's so nice! I wanted a small owl like this for a long time. Oh and Draco sent me some candy. He says it's a new kind of candy that makes you float for a second. I don't know why would I want that but okay. He also says it's for both of us." They tried it and the candy didn't have any effect whatsoever.
"Damn it, Draco! Not funny," Jade said and they laughed.
"He just had to trick us thinking he actually got us something cool," Sophia said. After opening the presents they sat by the fireplace for a while. All they could hear was the fire. It was really pleasant and calm.
A/N: okay i know this is short im sorry. Also I will skip almost their whole fifth year, not because nothing happened but because i really want to get to the sixth and seventh year. :)

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