A fight

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After writing the essay Sophia was extremely tired. It was once again quite late already as she put the essay and the quill back in her bag. She slowly went to the slytherin common room and then upstairs.
"Where were you?" she heard. It was Jade.
"In the library of course. Now if you don't mind I want to get some sleep."
She went to bed and saw that Jade was about to say something but she looked at other girls who were sleeping.
"We will talk about this in the morning," she whispered as she went to bed.
To Sophia's suprise they didn't talk about it in the morning. Actually, they didn't talk at all. At breakfast they were all quiet but Sophia thought it was probably because they were tired. She certainly was.
After all the classes and lunch they went back to studying. She was working on her charms homework and Jade was sitting next to her doing herbology homework. They were alone in the common room because most of the students were studying in the library.
"I can't do this," Jade said. Sophia kept on writing.
"Yeah, I know, all this homework really makes me feel like giving up," she said and sighed.
"No, I thought...us, what has been going on between us," she said. Sophia looked at her.
"Why didn't you study with me yesterday here," Jade continued.
"I just concentrate better at the library." Sophia simply said.
"Well then why didn't you tell me the whole story about what happened when you went to McGonnogal? I saw it on your face, something happened." Jade said, getting angry.
"I just wanted to see if it was true before I tell it to anyone," Sophia said.
"You don't tell me anything anymore, have you noticed that? Not about this, not about who you like because I know you like someone and you just don't talk to me anymore!" Sophia stared at her.
"I don't talk to you a lot because we don't have time. We have to study. And also, we all keep secrets. You didn't tell me who were you writing letters to. And it was not your parents because you blushed and hid the letters. What was that all about?"

"Nothing important! I am jusy writing letters to a friend!"

"And you are blushing? Are you sure it's a friend?"

"Why should I tell you, you didn't tell me who do you like! And I thought that friends tell each other everything!"

"Why are you so upset that I didn't tell you something so unimportant?"

"Because it's important to me! If you tell me it means you trust me!"

"So you don't trust me since you didn't tell me as well?" Sophia yelled.


They stared at each other for a moment and then Sophia grabbed her things and ran outside. She went to the library which was full of people. She was still angry.
There's no reason for me to be sad. She wasn't a good friend anyway if she said this, Sophia thought. She tried to calm down so she could continue her work for charms. She didn't have time to get upset over this fight.

More days passed and it was christmas time. Sophia returned home. The first person she saw as she walked through the door was her brother. She smiled and hugged him.
Then she went inside and saw her mom and dad there. They spent the day together because Sophia knew that most of the days during christmas she will still have to study.
And so one of the days she was in her room when she heard a knock on the door. It was Thomas.
"What are you doing," he asked.
"Studying defence against the dark arts. Again." she anwsered.
"So how is your sixth year? Besides the fact that you have to study a lot." She looked at him and then told him about how Draco has been acting and about the fight with Jade.
"So yeah not really good," she said.
"Just wait some time, okay? The time will solve this problems. Besides, you don't even have much time to concentrate on anything else besides studying. So I suggest you use your time and energy for studying and forget about other problems." She thought about it and nodded.
"Thank Thomas."
"Any time, sis. And by the way don't talk to dad about how you know who is back. You know that dad never wanted to be a death eather but now that he is back he will try to make him go to his side. Because he is a pureblood and a slytherin. So I don't know what will happen but just don't worry about it too much, okay?"
Soohia looked at her older brother.
"Everything is okay for now, right? He won't kidnap our dad or something, right?"
"Of course not. Now go back to studying."

The next few months Sophia was happy to see her improvement at school. She was better at Defence Against The Dark Arts and she was also better at Transfiguration. But she was now lonely; Draco didn't talk to anybody and Jade didn't talk to her. She decided that she will ask Potter again about what he thinks of Draco. When they were leaving The Great Hall she stopped them.
"Oh it's you again," Weasley said. "The slytherin girl." She decided to ignore him and turned to Potter.
"Do you know anything else about Draco?"
He looked at her.
"Well I overheard him and Snape talking about the unbreakable vow.." He told her the whole story.
"So now you are sure that Draco is supposed to do something and that it's something bad." she said. Potter nodded. She looked towards the slytherin table.
"I'm going to ask him," she said.
"Wait really?"
"Yeah. But not because of you," she said and walked back to their table.
"Draco, I need to talk to you. Please." He looked up and sighed.
"Okay. But in the common room."

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