Sixth year

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Sophia said goodbye to her family and stepped on the train to Hogwarts. She quickly found Jade and they sat down. Nobody else was with them. They were silent for some time.
"Why are you so silent," Jade asked.
"I don't know," Sophia shrugged. "I just have a feeling that this year will be different. I mean have you seen Draco? He looks like he has something on his mind, he is so distant. He didn't even look at us." Jade nodded.
"I noticed too. And Blaise is still hanging out with him although Draco doesn't talk to him much. And Theo is there as well but I think they noticed something's up."
Sophia looked at Jade. She still had her black long hair and her skin was even paler than before. She wore a dark red lipstick and eyeshadow. She wondered if Jade liked anyone but Sophia remained silent.
When they arrived Dumbledore had his speech again. Sophia looked at Draco. He was in his own world again, ignoring everyone around him. She sighed and turned away.
When she was laying in her bed trying to fall asleep she thought if her previous years at Hogwarts. She remembered their third year when Draco got punched by Granger. It was the funniest thing ever. She remembered their fifth year when Draco joined Umbrige. Sophia hated her and Jade did as well.
The next few days flew by pretty quickly. She met professor Slughorn and was disappointed to see she wasn't great at potions anymore. The star was Potter, of course. On their second lesson they were making the love potion. Sophia managed to make a love potion that was correct although she struggled and it wasn't nearly as good as Potter's. When Sophia and Jade smelled their potions to see if they worked they both turned red. They looked at each other but said nothing. Sophia knew that Jade does in fact like someone whose scent she smelled in the love potions. The same way went for Sophia. She smelled his cologne. She was embarassed. It was very awkward for the rest of the lesson not only between them but between other students as well. Not everyone managed to make the potion correctly but a lot of those who did looked embarassed.
She soon realised that sixth year is visibly a lot more difficult than the previous years. They had some free periods but everybody used them to do all the homework. They were studying really hard and it looked as if the exams were every day. All the slytherins were visibly tired and the only thing you could hear in the common room were quills writing on papers. They also had apparation lessons which were much harder than everyone expected. On top of everything it was now expected of them to use non verbal spells at all subjects and at every lesson. And even though Sophia was usually pretty good at magic as much as she and Jade tried and practiced they couldn't do it. Sophia was now starting to panic; what is she going to do at the classes if she doesn't know how to do the non verbal spells?
"What's wrong," she heard. She was sitting in the common room and it was already late but she was too worried to sleep. A tear slipped down her cheek. She turned around. There was nobody in the room besides Draco.
"Why do you care. You didn't talk to me since last year." she said and looked back at the fireplace.
"What's wrong," he insisted, not commenting what she said. She sighed.
"I-I can't do the non verbal spells and tomorrow all the teachers will kill me." she said and it was hard for her to hold her tears. She didn't want Draco to see her like this. "I tried and tired and practiced but I can't do it I just don't know how.." She watched him as he stood up and sat next to her on the couch.
"I know how hard it is. It seems impossible. It's like something you can try but it won't work. It's like magic to muggles. But you have to believe me that once you think it's possible and once you believe you can do it it becomes much easier to do it." he said. She was still looking at him.
"Close your eyes," he said. "And force yourself to believe that it's possible." She slowly closed her eyes and told herself it's possible. She was still worried but she forced herself to relax and believe it.
I can do this. It's possible.
She opened her eyes and took her wand. I really, truly have to believe it.
She pointed at a box that was sitting on a chair and thought wingardium leviosa as if she said it. It felt like her lips moved but they didn't.
The spell worked.
Her eyes widened and a smile grew on her face. She quickly looked back at Draco and without thinking she hugged him.
"You literally saved me right now. Thank you so much." she whispered. She almost felt that he smiled.
"Any time," he said.
She ran upstairs and woke Jade up.
"Jade! I did it! I did a non verbal spell!"
Before Jade could say anything she already started to explain her how to do it. After a few tries Jade managed to do it as well.
"How did you learn this," she asked quietly, still suprised.
"You won't believe me but Draco actually spoke to me after all this time. Without being distant. Whatever has been on his mind for the past couple of months was gone tonight. I am so glad he thought me how to do it, I don't know what would I do without this." Sophia whispered.
"You mean without him?" Jade said quietly, giggling.
"Yeah, I mean no, uh, well yes since he was the one who thought me." she whispered. Damn, she thought. She knows.
But no, she thought. She can't possibly know, because it's not even true..right?
"On second thought I don't know why did I not ask him why was he so distant from us." she whispered.
"It's better you didn't because maybe he would be like that again," Jade said quietly. "But now we better go to sleep if we want to get at least five hours of sleep." Sophia chuckled and then they went to sleep.

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