[1]The Start

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[FLASHBACK 7 years ago]

"How about this"- I pointed at the picture on the magazine that we are reading.

"Aniyo~ that's too revealing"- he said while analyzing the other pages.

"Aigoo! my baby is really conservative"-I said while pinching his face.

"Aish...stop it Dara!!"-he said.

"hahahahaha...you look very cute!!"-I said.

"Aish...stop that...let's just look for your gown to finalize everything."-he said then grab one of the magazines and gave to me.

"Okay~"-I happily said then open the magazine, when one page grab my attention.

"Omo!!! Omo!!!!"-I shouted.

"yah!!! What happened?"-he ask me.

"This one...."I said pointing to the image on the magazine.    "How about this one? I really like....No.....I really love it!!"-I added. He look at the image in the magazine and smile.

"I think we are finish."-He said with his flashing smile.



"Dara!!!"- I look at the person who is calling my name. I smile. The most genuine smile I can give.

"Omo!! Where did you go? I'm looking for you anywhere!!"- I just smile at him.

"Ya!! , why are so serious, it's not like I'm running away or committing a suicide"-I said. He gives me a deadly glare.

"Okay fine, I won't make a joke like that again"-I said and grab my bag.

"Let's go, we have a flight, and I don't want to be late. And the taxi is waiting for us."-He said.

"pss...okay"-I said. We walk to the taxi that is waiting for us, before I enter the taxi, I give a last look at our house.

Yeah. The old house that I we use to play when I was a child. The house that I grow up. The house that become the witness of my life. And I should say goodbye to it.

"YA! What are you doing? Come on, we will be late!!"-He shouted at me.

"Ne~"-I said and give my last...last...last...look.

"Goodbye...."-I whisper and enter the taxi....

Leaving our old house is hard for me, but I should do that......I should do, and the memories that it connects....


Sorry for the short update...this story just came up on my mind this 11:15am philippine time...kekeke~

i'll update tomorrow...promise....

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