Decisons decisons.

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-Todoroki Pov-

I change into my exercise clothes so that I can head out and clear my head about everything. Once I changed I exit my room and go downstairs and I don't even bother telling my sister where i'm heading. She's just too nosey about my life and I don't want her telling my old man about it. I start walking towards the forest and I just walk around the entire thing I don't wanna train right now. I just wanna clear my head and think straight. Do I like y/n? I don't want to. It'll mess me up. I was so busy looking down while walking that I bumped into someone and I look up and it's y/n..

She's the last person I wanna see right now.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I told y/n not giving her any eye contact.

"It's fine neither was I." Y/n tells me with a laugh at the end.

Damn her laugh is adorable. I can't do this. I can't spend time with y/n anymore. I can't be friends with her...

"Well i'm heading back home see you at school." I told y/n walking away and heading back home.

Am I doing the right thing? Maybe I should give y/n a reason for why I can't be friends with her anymore? But I can't because then she'll know that I actually like her..Well what can happen? She has other friends i'll just go back to my old self and be by myself again. Yeah that's the right thing to do. I can't believe I actually like a girl. That's just gonna end bad. I've never dated anyone then y/n and I would just break up and ruin our friendship. I should just stay way from her.

-Your Pov-

After I finish a couple of episodes of the anime I decide to go train now. I go upstairs to change into some comfortable clothes for me to train in then head my way to the forest. I wonder if Todoroki would be there. The festival is over, so I don't know. I finally arrive there and I see nobody there. I guess Todoroki isn't coming here anymore. I really wanna know how it went with his mom. I start jogging around the entire forest and my chest started burning so I stoped and started walking slowly.

Why am I keep thinking of Todoroki? Like he's been on my mind the whole day..I just wanna see him again. I continue walking slowly not paying attention I accidentally bump into Todoroki. At least I got to see him eh?

"Sorry wasn't paying attention." He tells me not looking at me at all.

Todoroki looks a bit off like something is bothering him. I just respond back with

"It's fine neither was I." And I laughed a bit, but then Todoroki dismisses himself and says he's leaving.

"See you at school." Is the last thing he tells me.

Oh? Did I do something? Todoroki is acting strange maybe something happen between him and his mom and isn't ready to tell me. Well that sucks I was looking forward to hear everything about it and just spend some time together I guess that's not happening. I walk a few more times and decided to go back home since Todoroki wasn't with me. As i'm heading home I see Midoriya and Uraraka together outside. Those two sure do spend a lot of time together it reminds me of Todoroki and me.

Should I go up to them or call it a night? What if they don't want me there? I mean if they wanted me to hang out they would come for me right? Well I guess i'll just call it a night besides, i'll see them tomorrow since we go back to school. I enter my house and looks like i'm by myself again. Im gonna shower before I head to bed. I go up to my room and gather some clean clothes then head straight to the shower.

As i'm in there I start thinking. I think I do have feeling for Todoroki..Should I tell him? Would that make things awkward? I mean I can't deny it Todoroki is always in my mind..he's been there for me all the time. He's helped me out and is always looking after me, so what can go wrong? Well everything can go wrong. What if Todoroki doesn't feel the same for me? Uh. Confessions are never easy. I finish showering and turn off the water and stand there letting the water drip down off my skin and I finally get out and dry myself up and change into my clean clothes.

I start brushing my teeth and I start talking out loudly since i'm home alone. You know what im going to tell Todoroki how I feel..if he doesn't feel the same way for me..then we can just stay as friends. I just want to tell him that he's helped me out a lot and he's such an amazing person. I finish brushing my teeth and I go back to my room and sit on my bed.

Okay, how should I confess to Todoroki? Should I say.

"Todoroki I need to talk to you about something.." Or. "Hey Todoroki I like you!?"

Uh. No. This is dumb. I'll just say it however it comes out of my mouth when it's happening. Hopefully I don't embarrass myself. I get comfortable in my bed and try going to sleep. I can't really sleep because I cant stop thinking about how i'm going to confess to Todoroki. I can't believe I'm actually gonna do it. What would happen if Todoroki does feel the same like I do? Would that be a good or bad thing? Hh. I need to go sleep before I wake up late tomorrow and I won't be able to tell Todoroki.

a/n: Don't get mad on how this chapter turned out ( :

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