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-Your Pov-

-2 weeks later-

"Yo, these so called heroes are so bad at their job. You've been missing for 14 days now. Have they given up?" Twice comments as he sips his drink from the bar.

"Tsk. Shut up. If it were me, and less of you idiots, I'd be back there from the beginning I got here..but because I know if I even try to attempt to escape..i'll die."

"That's right brat." Shigaraki grins at me.

I roll my eyes.

"Hey, want to get some ice cream? I mean, you can't go out, but I can go get you some if you'd like." Dabi stands in front of me.

"No." I avoid eye contact with him.

He walks out the door without an expression on his face.

"You should really start trying to be more nice to Dabi. He isn't like that to any of us, he really does want to make sure nothing happens to you." Kurogiri comments behind his bar.

"Nice to him? I'm not nice to any of you. You guys are villains. Im a student at UA. We are not friends. You can all just stop trying to be fake nice to me it's annoying. I don't even know Dabi. He just wants to use me, he doesn't actually like me. He doesn't know anything about me. I'm just some sort of object to you guys to get some attention, so no, I won't fall for it." I cross my arms trying to calm myself down.

A cone of ice cream appears in my face. I look at their hand and by its burn stitches I know that it's Dabi. I look at him and he smiles at me waiting for me to take the cone off his hand.

"I'm not that bad. You're right, I don't really know you, but it's not like you're making it any easy for me to get to know you. I'm trying here. I have my attention on you but you won't accept me."

"shut up." I snatch the cone off his hand and throw it against the wall.

Dabi chuckles and pats my head and then grabs me by the hair forcing me to look up at him.

"Look, if you don't want me to be nice, I can do that too. Either way you're mine just accept it. It's been two weeks and they still haven't found you. Why do you think that? Maybe they're not even trying to look for you. Wanna know why? Because you have a villainous quirk. You're not meant to be a hero but some of you already knew that, didn't you? But you keep resisting it because you're not proud of it. You don't want to because it reminds you of your father."

"What the hell do you kno-" Dabi puts his finger on my lip.

"You don't even know what it feels like to do something bad and get away with it, but once you give it a try you'll want to keep doing it. You're so stuck in a world you don't belong in. I'm going to help you get out of that false world you live in then you will be all mine." Dabi pulls me up forcing me out of the bar and takes me out.

He takes me to a dead end and pushes me on the brick wall.

"Fight. Do something. Don't just stand there and let me abuse you because I will take advantage of that."

I just stand there looking down to the floor.

He grabs me from my neck raising me up from the ground making it hard for me to breathe. A small memory came to my mind..Dabi knew Shoto when they captured Kacchan..but why am I thinking of this now..does he know we're dating.?

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