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They've kept bullying me, because they wanted to see me suffer..they enjoyed that. And it's my fault for not doing anything to them. I should..I should. At least I would of had gone a lot more better if I did..

''So what are you gonna do now? Just sit there and smirk?'' Eric started laughing.

''No..hahah..'' I got up quickly and Eric fell down.

''Hey!? What do you think you're doing?''

''I thought of fighting back, but I'll just leave you there. No need to give ''attention'' to the little attention seekers, who love to see me suffer. Bye.'' I said as I walked away from them leaving them with a shocking look on their face. They've never thought I'd say this..hehehe.. But no. Everything's gonna change.

At age 13:

I've been going insane as ever..but I met a friend at age 12. Hey..not just a friend. That girl is everything to me! And oh..I also met a boy at age 13 too, as well.. At least I found the ones who love me truely and gave me the real love..that I didn't know for years. I never knew what love was like; I had no idea. I thought love was just saying an ''I love you.'' and done.. I never knew love was like this. I never felt it, until they came.. Without them here, I would of had just snapped already..since I go insane and insane every single day.. But I couldn't take it.. I needed to kill.

-A few hours ago-

It was night. At probably 12:00? I was insane like hell..  I couldn't take it anymore in my room. I got out of my room, and went into the kitchen. Got a kitchen knife, and then went back in my room reminding myself that I should wear something, and not to go out like this. I putted my grey t-shirt that said  ''I WILL GET MY REVENGE'' on with big red words, my grey jacket with a hood behind and closed it. My black jeans and my black converse. I went in the bathroom to brush my short black hair, and it turned out to be like the morning..

''Weird..but cool..'' I said to myself. 

I slowly got out of my house, without any noise hoping not to wake up anyone. Closed the door, and then went out in the dark to find someone that I could kill.. I then said to myself.

''How do you expect anyone to be here, at this kind of time?.. Maybe I should just go to someone's house and deal with it..'' As I finished I started walking again, and then found the perfect house that I could go in.

''Perfect..'' I smirked big to myself.

I slowly started climbing and got in a window and entered a house. It was really nice, the decorations of the house, and the house was pretty cool. It had the things I like.. 

''It would probably be the best murder I've ever had..heheh..'' I laughed a bit.

I've entered in a bedroom, pretty cool one. It was one of a girl probably at my age. 

''Why am I here in the bedroom? It's pointless. What am I gonna do? Just watch her sleep? Nah. That girl should get up.'' When I finished I thought of laughing, so she'll wake up.

''HAHAHAAHAH..'' I said making the girl jump in fear.

''W-Wha!?..Who are you?!'' The girl started shaking.

''Not gonna tell you. It's obvious that I won't. I don't want myself to get in trouble..heh..'' I smirked wide.

The girl started running and went in the kitchen. Probably to get something to fight me back with. It was still pointless tho. She can't beat me. I believe..she's not even insane. I started running behind her. I was too quick for her. But she already grabbed a knife. But it was still pretty over. I pointed the knife on her neck.

''Y-You're not gonna kill me..are you?..''

'',no. Heheheh..don't worry. I won't do anything..'' I smirked wider and wider every minute that passed. 

I let her go, because if I just kill her now it won't be any fun for me.

''T-Thank yo--'' Before she could say anything I pointed my kitchen knife at her neck.

''Hehehe... Who said that I won't kill you? If I wouldn't kill you, then why am I here? I've got a reason that I am.'' 

The girl pushed my knife away from her neck and tried to stab me with her knife. I quickly dodged and lunged at her. She couldn't dodge so I had stabbed her arm.

''N-No..'' She said as she looked at me in fear.

'' got what you deserved. THIS IS HOW EVERYONE WILL GET SOON!'' I finished off laughing insanely and smirked extremely big, while looking at her with wide eyes.

''If you're gonna kill me, just kill me. I never wanted this life anyway..It's boring.''

''If it is or not, I'm still going to kill you. There's no changing that.'' As I finished, I stabbed her heart than over, and over again. I then got out of control and started tearing her stomach apart. Her blood splattered everywhere on my face and clothes. My face and clothes had became red, and there was a bit on my hair as well. I became all bloody.. I couldn't help it and started laughing insanely.

''HAHAHAHAHAH...HAHAAHA...HAHAHA...HAHAH!! I swear..I never felt this happy before.. IT'S LIKE A DREAM COMING TRUE!'' 

I laughed on the corpse that I had just killed, and then fell on the ground.

''HAHAHAHAHA...'' Tears started falling and I looked down smirking as big as I ever could.

''I'LL..KILL..EVERYONE.. YOU'LL SEE..'' I licked the blood on my kitchen knife and then got out of the house leaving the dead girl on the ground bleeding. 

-About an hour ago-

I climbed up and got in my window and then went in my room laughing insanely. 

''Insanity is almost taking over me..heh..'' I said smirking on the mirror that I have in my room. 

''At least I got what I needed today. But..I DIDN'T got my revenge, YET.'' 

I'll get my revenge... Soon enough.

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