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I heard a loud bang and that's where I thought things weren't going to be fine. I turned around me and saw a demon coming right at me, which made me start running.

The demon was faster then me so I couldn't get away from the demon and fell. The demon grabbed my hair making me scream in pain.

"LET GO OF MY HAIR!" I yelled at the demon.

The demon said nothing and continued to pull my hair. I just kept screaming.

I found a vase almost close to me. I tried to pull myself closer to the vase, but it wouldn't work. It just kept pulling my hair back making it harder for me and the pain to grow.

I found the strength to do it and ignore the pain, and grabbed the vase. I quickly turned around and smashed it on the demon's head creating a loud bang.


I had finally woke up. Blind folded and bleeding to death. I was about to try and get up, but I felt someone grab my neck tightly.

I started to squirm...making the worry grow more inside of me.

...Was I about to die?...

I began to growl insanely. For a second I lost it and started to scream. I was blind folded so it make it even worse.





Was that water or blood?

I quickly ignored it. The situation got worse for me and I started to kick and punch everything I couldn't see.

"LET GO OF MY NECK!!" I growled.

Nothing would work until I felt the grip on my neck to loosen.

I then heard a head to get slashed and the bandage on my eyes to loosen as well. I realized I wasn't blind folded anymore.

I turned around and saw 2 green eyed demons in the dark. My eyes widened.

I quickly had Anthony and Sally in my mind. And it was them...

"Jaden..." I heard both of them say in the same exact time.

I said nothing and just stared at them.

"...Why are you demons?" I said with pure venom in my voice.

"Listen we-" Sally tried to speak but I immediately cut her off.

"LISTEN TO WHAT?! YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT?!" I started to lose control.

"No." Anthony said with venom in his voice.

"Two humans aren't enough. Enough to save you,"

Save me? What's he talking about?

"so we thought us becoming demons would help. And now we saved you from a demon. If we weren't here, you would be long gone, Jaden." As he finished I blind folded myself because I didn't wanted to look at them. It just didn't feel like it.

They both came closer to me and hugged me tight.

I tried to hide the fact that I teared up. But nothing seemed to work.

Tears started rolling from my eyes and they made their way out of the bandage. Everything I tried to hide was now shown.

I immediately thought of Lily and quickly got the bandage off of my eyes.

"Sally! Anthony! Listen up..." I said looking at them with worry.

"What is it?" Sally asked.

"There's this girl that I met about an hour ago. She got bitten by a demon and I took care of her. I bandaged her arm and then when I went to put the bandage that was the in the cabinet, a demon had appeared and fucked everything up," They looked at me with a confused look.

"the demon blind folded me with that bandage I had, and now I don't know where she is. Can you me find her?" I said as I looked down.

"Of course..." Anthony said.

"Alright, let's go." I said as I got up and started running to go down stairs.

As we got down stairs, I checked my clothes a little and saw that I had blood on my hoodie. And then I remember everything. How I slipped and fell over, how I blacked out, everything.

I looked around, Lily was nowhere to be found.

"Damn it..." I cursed under my breath.


"Don't worry, Jaden... We will find her." Sally said with innocence in her voice, trying to calm me down.

"You're right..." What's wrong with me? Why did I began caring for a person so much? I don't need anyone else.

"Jaden..." I heard a voice.

"Jaden..." The same voice again.

"Jaden..." I'm going crazy!

"Follow me..." Was the other one.

And I did what it said.

I couldn't feel myself. I felt darkness everywhere. I couldn't see anything. And I wasn't the one who was controlling my body. It wasn't me... It was someone else. And my body was taking me outside.

As I got out, I saw Lily hanged on a tree. There was something written on the tree which I couldn't understand. I couldn't understand these words.

It looked like someone has cursed her body and death.

I just stared at it in complete shock, not moving.

...Everything, has now changed.

I looked at Anthony and Sally and they were both shocked of what they saw. As I could tell I looked different. I wasn't myself. And everything went black and that's where I realized I had passed out for the second time today. 


I woke up and I was in my room. I felt warm. I looked around and it was morning... All sunny. Like nothing has happened. Like I haven't seen what I have seen with Lily. But once I looked at my bloody hoodie from what happened yesterday, made me think of everything that happened. And how myself and everyone was in trouble. 

But what I noticed with that thing I saw on the mirror, myself  talking to me, was because of me that everyone would suffer. This is confusing the heck out of me.

I got off my bed and changed clothes. I went outside and Lily's body wasn't there. That's when I've turned and I was face to face with Lily. She was holding a knife and looked at me with a smirk.

''Hello there.''

~I thank all the readers that have read my story. <3 Thank you so much everyone! And I'm sorry update really late.. I'm kinda getting out of ideas. What do you think it should happen next?~

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