~Ten~ *

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***Edited in October 2022***

"Are you sure about this, Aidan?" I asked my brother anxiously as I let him into the house, "Because I can always take another day off work. Christa will understand."

"Nah, it's fine. Looking after Piper will give me something to do," he replied with a shrug.

"What?" I frowned, "But...what about your new job?"

Aidan scoffed. "My boss was a total dick. I quit after two days."

"What?!" I did a double take, "Aidan!"

"Hey, if I don't like the job – or the boss – then that boss can stick that job straight up his ass."

"Aidan, you're hopeless," I shook my head at him.

"Hey, would you prefer it if I – your loving, trusted brother who ditched our parents to help you raise Piper ever since she was born – took care of her while her kindergarten's closed, or if her father – a.k.a the child poisoner – does?"

"Okay, okay. You're right," I sighed, "so...I guess that means you're good with looking after Piper right up until Chappell Croft re-opens?"

"You got it," he replied with a smile, "so...where is the little munchkin, then?"

"Oh, she's just in her room. Give me a minute," I poked my head around the hallway entrance, "Piper! Come out here, please darling!"

"You know what I find funny?" Aidan spoke up once I turned back to him.


"When we were still in high school, you were the hopeless one. I was always the responsible one. And we seem to have done some sort of...changeover, or something – at some point in time."

"What do you mean?" I asked him with a slight frown.

"Well, just look at you, Lee. You've got a good job, and you're a great mother, and you're only 21. I can never seem to hold down a job, and I can't even save up to go to uni because of it."

"Aww..." I put my arm around him and rubbed his back, "you'll find your dream job soon, Number One. And if your last boss was such a dick that you actually had to quit, well...that's his loss."

Aidan smiled at me. "Thanks, Leah."

"Uncle Aidan!" Piper ran up to Aidan excitedly and held her arms up to him – wanting to be picked up and hugged.

"Hello, hello, hello!" Aidan scooped her into his arms and laughed, "Hey, Piper. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good!" She beamed at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Mummy says I'm staying with you today!"

"That's right, beautiful. You're gonna spend the day with me. Would you like that?" He asked her with a smile.

"Yes!" She nodded vigorously and giggled.

"Have you packed your bag, then?"

Piper nodded again.

"Good. You go on and get it for me," he put her down and ushered her back towards her room, "off you go."

"Thanks again," I gave him a grateful smile once Piper had disappeared down the hall once more.

"No problem, Leah," he smiled back at me, "oh, and we need to catch up for a coffee soon. I wanna hear all about Harry Styles driving you to the hospital like a gallant knight rescuing a damsel in distress," he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "I won't tell you about it if you put it like that again," I soon chuckled as well, "but sure, Aidan. We can do that. That'd be nice."

Piper ~ H.SWhere stories live. Discover now