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A/N: I KNOW I KNOW!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!! But I finally got a chapter out - a double-update even though it doesn't feel like it. I'm sorry for the wait!!

"Oh my God..." my eyes widened as I caught sight of the shoes Harry was in the middle of putting on, "that has to be the coolest pair of boots I've ever seen."

"You like them?" Harry looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you kidding me? They look awesome!" I beamed back at him, "I love the way they look!"

"Oh, well thank you, Leah," Harry chuckled, "I was initially worried that they were too boldly coloured to go with the suit."

"No way!" I shook my head vigorously, "The red and gold are a perfect contrast to the suit! Seriously, who made those masterpieces?"

"Gucci," he replied with another chuckle, "same as the suit."

"Oh, of course," I rolled my eyes but giggled all the same, "well, they're amazing. I never thought that having gold dragons sewn onto a pair of boots would actually look so cool. I'm actually jealous right now. And that's saying something – because I have never been jealous of a guy's footwear before."

"Is that so?" Harry smirked a little, "Wow. I feel so special."

"You should," I smirked back, "anyway – I know the fans are gonna go crazy about those boots as soon as they see them – because I'm already crazy about them."

"Well, if you like them so much, I guess I'll have to think about wearing them more often," Harry's smirk grew.

"Please do," I told him with another giggle.

"Oh, it's almost time!" Anne suddenly came rushing into the room with her eyes fixed on her watch, "Leah, I'd really love to snap a picture of you and Harry before you leave. Is that alright?" she asked me, "You both just look so lovely!"

"Oh...really..?" My eyebrows rose at her words, but I began to smile anyway, "Well...alright. So long as it's OK with Harry too?" I looked at him.

Harry smiled as well and immediately nodded. "Snap away, mum."

"Thank you!" Anne broke out a beaming smile as she pulled out her phone and loaded up her camera, "Alright, give me a pose. Any pose."

Harry & I looked at each other – both of us unsure of how we should pose. In the end, Harry only shrugged and wrapped his arm around my waist – pulling our bodies closer together and smiling at me. I smiled back and giggled once more as I slid my hands up his chest and rested them both on his shoulders.

"Oh, hold it right there!" Anne told us with a gasp, "Don't even turn your heads! That looks perfect!"

Both our smiles immediately grew as we held our position – looking into each other's eyes which instantly made me blush – because the way Harry's eyes were lit up with tenderness and affection as he looked at me warmed my heart straight away.

"That's beautiful!" I could hear the shutter of Anne's phone camera going off several times, "Thank you!"

I felt my blush deepen as Harry & I pulled away – and I heard Harry chuckle softly before he squeezed my waist and kissed the side of my forehead – causing a shy smile to slowly creep across my face.

"Would you mind if I posted one of these photos, Leah?" asked Anne, "I just love them so much."

"Post..?" My eyes widened a little, and I looked up at Harry, "Er...Harry?"

"Why not?" Harry smiled, "We're already stepping out in public together, anyway. It shouldn't really matter, right?"

"Huh..." I began to smile back, "I guess you're right."

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