A/N: Lol I know I gave you guys a scare last time so I decided to double-update and put you all out of your misery xD sorry for the cliffhanger lol
"Stop it!" I was telling the doctors and nurses who were fussing over me, "There's nothing wrong with me! Stop checking me! Check my baby instead!"
"Ma'am, it would really pay to see if you have any bruises or bleeding anywhere from your fall," the doctor told me patiently.
"No!" I glared at him, "Nobody touches me until I find out what's happening to my baby girl! Do you understand?!"
The doctor sighed. "Yes, ma'am. We understand. We'll set up an Ultrasound for your baby now."
He then nodded at his nurse – who nodded back before they both rushed out of the room – presumably to find a sonographer to do my Ultrasound.
"H-Has Anne updated you about Harry?" I shakily asked Gemma – who was sitting at my bedside.
Gemma nodded. "He's on his way right now."
"A-And Piper?"
"Both her and Anne made it back to the hotel safely," she replied.
"OK...OK..." I bit down anxiously on my bottom lip, "Gemma...I-I'm so scared..." I began to whimper, "W-What if something's happened..?"
"Hey, hey," Gemma placed her hand over mind, "stop that. Stop thinking like that right now. We don't know anything for sure until they do that Ultrasound."
"I don't...I-I don't want to lose her, Gem..." my voice broke as tears began to slide down my face, "I don't want to lose our baby..."
"Of course you don't. Nobody wants you to lose this baby," she took me in her arms and hugged me tightly, "but don't start jumping straight to the worst-case scenario, OK? Not when we haven't even seen what's going on in that belly of yours."
I whimpered again and nodded – resting my head on her shoulder as I began to quietly weep.
"Sh-She's still not moving..." I sobbed, "God, w-why is she still not moving..?!"
"Maybe she's in just as much shock as you," Gemma suggested softly, "maybe she just got a scare just like you, Lee."
"I don't know, Gemma..." I let out a wail, "I-I really don't know..."
"Alright, I'm here," a new doctor suddenly entered the room with a soft smile "hello, Miss Marrone. I'm Anna Thompson. I'm a sonographer."
"Hi..." I spoke softly while still not letting go of Gemma.
"Little bit worried about your baby girl?" She asked sympathetically.
I sniffled and nodded – letting out a long, shaky sigh as I tried to compose myself.
"Well, let's see what's going on, shall we?" She came to my bedside and gently guided me back into a sitting-up position, "and who do we have with you today?" She looked at Gemma.
"I'm her sister-in-law," Gemma replied promptly – which initially startled me a little, but I was too anxious about the Ultrasound to think about it too much.
"Lovely to meet you," Anna sat down by the screen next to my bedside which was currently switched off, "so, let's get started."
I held on tightly to Gemma's hand as Anna fired up the screen and lifted my shirt to spread the gel over my bump. Soon enough, the screen was up and running – and Anna began gliding the transducer over my stomach to find my baby girl.

Piper ~ H.S
Fanfiction❝Mummy, why can't you marry Harry Styles?❞ *** 21-year-old Leah Marrone was never successful in love. But she is a loving and doting mother who would do anything to make her daughter smile. 4-year-old Piper Marrone is a beautiful, bubbly young girl...