Very Important - Please Read

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I already posted about this on my board but I'm posting it here too, and almost everywhere else just to make sure everyone sees it.

I've just heard of some upsetting news that someone has been copying my dirty imagines into their own book without giving me any credit, and they're even making jokes about it and begging people not to tell me. Well, someone told me about it this morning, and I've found the person copying and have messaged them because I want to sort this out straight away.

While I was investigating into the matter, I saw in one of the book's comment sections that a couple of people knew this person had been copying me since late last year, and yet nobody ever told me. The fact that I've only heard about this now is upsetting for me, especially when I know that a couple of people had the opportunity to let me know much sooner. 

I'm going to tell this to everyone now: if anyone sees something someone posted that you know is written by me and can't see me being given credit, it means that I have not given that person permission to use my work, because I always make sure that anyone who uses my work for anything (mostly translations) has given me credit as the original author.

So, if you know that someone out there is copying my work and trying to make sure I never find out, please tell me. I can't emphasize that enough. 

I'm not posting this to shame the person who did it. I'm posting this to ensure that this doesn't happen again. I put lots of time into my writing and it really upset me when I saw someone using my work without my knowledge. Even if they acknowledge that it's not their writing, that's still not giving me proper credit, because they still never even mentioned my name.

That's all I wanted to say, and I also just want to say one last huge thank-you to the person who told me what was going on (you know who you are). I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention. 

Piper ~ H.SWhere stories live. Discover now