Chapter 3

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I reached school with Carla following me around. The school was absolutely huge. I never seen a school before so this was definitely my first time seeing and going to one.

"Hi.", I heard a girl said from behind me. I turned around to see a student with brown hair tied up with two ponytails on her head and beautiful green eyes to match. "H-Hi.", I smiled back. I was surprised someone would actually talk to me. "Good morning. I never seen you around here before. What is your name?", she asked me while smiling sweetly. "I am Cassia Claire.", I answered her. "Nice to meet you Cassia. I am Lyra. By any chance, are you new here?", Lyra asked. "Yes, I am.", I answered her again. Lyra smiled and took my hand. "I know you're in my class. I will show you where your class is, alright?", Lyra said while smiling and pulled me lightly.

" Welcome to class 4A!", Lyra let go of my hand when we reached there. The class was large. It has a chalkboard, a notice board at the back of the class, desks and chairs. It also seem that we reached class too early because nobody was in it. I looked left and right. "Lyra?", I asked. "Yes?", Lyra answered me. "I am wondering, how does a class work?", I asked. Lyra's eyes widen, she looks totally surprised that I had asked such question. "Cassia, have you went to a school before?", Lyra asked politely. "No, I never went to one in my whole life.", I answered Lyra. "You must be homeschooled then!", Lyra said while smiling. "I guess?", I didn't know how to answer her. "Meow~", Carla meowed. "Why is there a cat here?", Lyra asked. "She is my cat, Carla.", I answered. "Hello! Nice to meet you!", Carla said with excitement, but Lyra only heard Carla meow. "Carla said 'Nice to meet you'. ", I said. "Wow! You can speak to cats!", Lyra said clearly amazed. "Lyra, can you bring me to the pond in this school?", I asked Lyra. I almost forgot the reason I came here. "Sure! Just follow me.", Lyra said after putting down her bag on a desk. I followed her actions except putting her bag on a different desk.

While walking over to the pond at the school's hallway, I sensed a demon's aura close by. I reached to my pocket to take my wand to get ready if it attacks. "Master, it is over there.", Carla said, her fur is standing. "Lyra, get behind me." , I said. "Why?", Lyra asked. "Just do it..!", I said, my face completely serious. "Hey there girly~", a demonic sound echoed the hallway. A demon with a small red body with two horns and a tail appeared in front of them. "What do you want?", I took my wand out ready to cast a spell on it. The demon grinned. "I didn't mean any harm to you. But, for that girly there.... . That is a different story.", The demon laughter echoed the hallway. "Come get her.", I smirked. I silently cast a spell so that the demon's feet can't walk. "I will.", the demon's lips curved upwards. "What...? My legs can't move!!!", the demon exclaimed. "Demon sword.", I said, a giant bloody red sword appeared in my hands. "If your lackies dare to approach her, you'll be sorry.", My face clouded with bloodlust as I stabbed the demon to his death. "Nice work dearie.", Cassie appeared in front of the demon's body. "I need his organs to touch up on my ugly potion.", Cassie said while smiling. With a flick of her fingers, she was gone along with the demon's body.

Oops... . I forgot about Lyra... . I turned around to see Lyra on the ground. "She fainted. I casted a simple shield spell to make sure the demon didn't get close to her.", Carla said. "Thanks Carla.", I thanked my cat. I pointed my finger at Lyra's head and took out the memories of her seeing the demon and me using magic. Her memories became an orb. "Carla, take the orb to my room. Here is a map if you want to locate where my house is.", I said giving her the items. "Don't worry, a simple teleportation magic will do.", Carla said. "You're using my magic powers aren't you?", I sighed. "Yup!", Carla said and then disappeared into thin air.

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