Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

We managed to get through first period without any hassles, as Matt had been suspended, but as we were walking through the corridors, that was when the trouble started.

Eddie was just in front of us in the corridors and Ashley and I both tried blending in with the crowd, but he stopped to torture some poor soul. He saw us and his gang moved over to us, completely circling us. Eddie smirked as he saw me.

"Didn't think you'd be here after that beat down I gave you yesterday freak," he said, looking me up and down, probably admiring his work.

He grabbed me and slammed me against the wall like every time, making me cry out in pain.

"Bit sore are we?" he asked in amusement as a couple of his guys grabbed Ashley and held him back.

A few people had stopped to see what was going on, a crowd slowly forming.

"Leave him alone Eddie. You've done enough damage to the guy."

Jinxx had pushed his way through the crowd and Eddie's guys held him back. Eddie looked at him.

"Back off Jeremy," he warned. "This isn't your problem."

"Yeah actually, it is," Jinxx snapped back. "Back off and leave him alone. He never did anything wrong."

"Oh yeah he did," Eddie said, his smartass attitude showing. "He hung 'round you freaks, which in my book, makes him a freak as well and he needs to be taught the same lesson as all of you."

Jinxx tried to push his way through the guys, but they just grabbed him and stopped him from getting through, pushing him back every time he went to move forwards. Eddie turned his attention back to me.

"I thought you would've learnt after yesterday, but I guess I was wrong."

Without warning, he was suddenly hit from behind, making him let me go. I dropped to my hands and knees, pain going through me. I looked up to see who it was that'd hit Eddie. Ronnie hit Eddie across the face, sending him to the ground.

"If I have to deal with your shit again, I'm gonna knock your fucking teeth out!" Ronnie yelled, kicking Eddie in the side. "You'd better knock it off and watch your back asshole!"

He kicked him a couple more times before a few teachers dragged him away. Ashley and Jinxx helped me up as the crowd dispersed and Eddie's guys helped him up and disappeared into the corridor. Jinnx frowned.

"I thought Ronnie got suspended."

Ashley shrugged as I used the wall for a bit of support.

"I dunno," he said. "I'll ask Mike later; see if he knows why he was here today."

I leant against the wall and they looked at me with concern.

"You alright Andy? You look like you're 'bout to collapse," Jinxx said.

My head was spinning a bit and I sank down to a sitting position. Ashley knelt down in front of me, concern on his face. Jinxx loitered in the background as I rested my head against the wall of the corridor.

"I think you should go home Andy," Ashley said, looking me up and down. "You really should've stayed in bed this morning."

I shook my head. "No, no I'm fine."

"Like hell you are," Jinxx said, crouching down next to Ashley. "C'mon, let's get you down to the office and see what they can do for ya."

They helped me up and Ashley took my things from me and trailed behind a bit as Jinxx helped me down to the office, trying to avoid what was left of the crowds in the corridors. Most people had gone to class by now, so there weren't that many people to avoid.

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