Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

"Seriously Ash, Aqua Man is like, the most useless superhero ever! How is he even considered a superhero? What's he even do?"

"Doesn't he like, talk to fish or some bullshit?" Vic spoke up.

"Who knows?" Jinxx said with a shrug. "But I still say he's the worst excuse for a superhero. I'm s'prised he can even go on land without suffocating."

"Jesus Christ Jinxx, he doesn't breathe water all the fuckin' time," Ashley said, clearly annoyed.

"Are you sure?" Jinxx retorted. "He may as well; those lame powers are enough to make anyone wanna live in the sea."

"Y'know what?" Ashley said, crossing his arms. "I'm just gonna stop. I dunno why I even bother."

Jinxx just rolled his eyes as Vic, Mike and I looked on with amusement. Ronnie had been in and outta it the whole time we'd been here and at the moment he wasn't really in the conversation. He wasn't really paying attention, but he was suddenly alert as the door to the café opened and a girl walked in.

"Oh fuck," he said, everyone following his gaze.

He quickly ducked under the table and Jinxx and Ashley moved around, keeping him outta sight. The girl came over and stood in front of our table. I'd never actually seen who Sandra was, but by the way Ronnie had reacted, I guessed this was her. She gave everyone a smile and looked to Vic.

"Have you seen Ronnie anywhere?" she asked sweetly.

Vic shrugged and looked to me.

"You seen him anywhere Andy?"

I shook my head and Vic looked to Mike.


He shook his head as well. Vic looked across the table at Ashley and Jinxx.

"How 'bout you guys?" he asked. "You guys seen him?"

Ashley and Jinxx both shook their heads. Vic looked back to the chick.

"Sorry Sandra," he said. "Dunno where he is."

"Well let me know if you see him," she said, going over to the line to order something.

"Is she gone?" we heard Ronnie say from his position under the table.

"Nah man, stay there," Vic said, watching Sandra as she waited in line. "We'll letcha know when it's safe to return."

There was a bit of silence before Ronnie spoke again.

"You're not really gonna tell her if you see me right?"

We all laughed and Sandra looked over. We all looked away and Vic made it look like he was talking to me.

"No way," he said, me making it look like he was actually saying something to me. "I dunno when she's gonna go though."

"She's standing in line waiting to order," Mike said, watching Sandra who waved at us.

We all awkwardly waved back and then leant in to speak so she wouldn't hear from where she was.

"We need someone to go distract her long enough for us to get Ronnie out," Jinxx said, keeping his voice down. "She looks like she's gonna hang 'round in hopes that he'll show up 'cause we're here."

"Well who's gonna do it?" Ashley asked, looking around at us all. "None of us really wanna talk to Sandra."

"Well do you blame us?" Mike said.

"Amen to that," we heard Ronnie say.

Vic looked around at us all.

"Well one of us has to do this," he said seriously.

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