Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

Mike's Point of View:

I knocked on the door to Vic's room. We hadn't spoken since we'd walked home from school and that was about four hours ago. I honestly just wanted to make sure everything was alright.

After everything that'd happened, I was keeping a closer eye on Vic. It wasn't the over-protective brother thing; I was just trying to look out for him in case he tried again.

As usual, Vic had his music going.

"Yo Vic," I called as I knocked again. "Just comin' to check up on ya; see if everything's all right."

No response. Great. I knocked again.

"Vic, c'mon man, answer me?" I asked.

"Not now Mike," was the response I got.

This reminded me of what'd happened not long ago and he sounded exactly the same now as he did then. I knew he wasn't gonna let me in, so I let myself in. I opened the door and looked in.

Vic was once again on his bed, knees drawn right up and head down.


He looked up and I saw tears running down his face as he saw me.

"Mike, I'm sorry," he said as I closed the door and came over.

"It's alright Vic. C'mon, calm down," I said, sitting down next to him and putting my arms around him, pulling him in. "You wanna talk 'bout it?"

Vic shook his head but didn't say anything. We sat there for a bit as he just cried.

"Alright, let's getcha cleaned up," I said, letting him go and getting off his bed.

Vic miserably followed me to his bathroom.

"Y'know I'm gonna listen if you need to talk to someone," I said, as I helped clean him up. "I know I went about it the wrong way before, and I really didn't mean to, but I'll always listen."

Vic just shrugged, once again not responding. After a bit, I guided him back to his bed, sitting him down.

"You gonna be ok?" I asked quietly.

Vic shrugged once again. "Head's spinning a bit, but I should be fine..."

"Ok, well just call if you need me, yeah?"

He nodded and I went over to his door and opened it.

"Mike," Vic said quietly, looking up.


Vic gave me a sad smile.



Andy's Point of View:


I quickly got changed into my jeans and opened the bathroom door as I dried my hair. Tara looked at me from her position in the doorway of my room.

"Can I help you there Tara?" I asked, looking at her.

"Just lettin' you know that Ashley's waiting downstairs, so you'd better move it and hurry the fuck up," she said, crossing her arms and leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah, ok," I said. "Sorry, kinda lost track of time."

Tara just nodded and looked at me as she thought. I frowned.

"Something on your mind Tara...?" I asked slowly, not sure if she was debating whether or not to say anything.

Tara looked at me a bit longer before she spoke again.

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