Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Andy's Point of View:

"Get up, get up!"

The curtains were opened and light streamed onto my face.

"Damn it Ashley," I said as I buried my face in the pillow. "Don't I even get a day to sleep in?"

"Not while I'm around!" he exclaimed. "As long as you're awake, I don't care if you stay there all day! As long as I have someone to talk to, I'll be fine!"

"You seem rather hyped up this morning," I said as I turned my head to the side a bit to look at him.

He was standing over the other side of my room, hands on hips and studying a poster I had on my wall.

"What're you now? A critic?"

"Hell Ando, I've always been a critic!" he exclaimed, still studying the poster. He tilted his head to the side as he thought. "I want one of these for my room. That's what'd make it complete..."

"Why're you so happy this morning?" I asked, watching him as he moved around and looked at another poster on my wall.

"One word Ando: coffee."

"You didn't."

Ashley looked at me and grinned. "I did!!"

I rolled my eyes and groaned, burying my face in my pillow once more. I was planning on sleeping in today, but with Ashley around, I should've expected to get no sleep whatsoever. Especially since he'd had coffee this morning.

The others had warned me about what happened when Ashley had coffee, especially first thing in the morning. He just went all day, non-stop, and now I was gonna have to put up with it. All. Damn. Day.

Ashley moved away from the poster he was looking at and sat down on the chair at my desk. I watched as he spun himself around in the chair. He seemed to like doing that for some reason.

"Don't make yourself sick man," I said, not liking the idea of what would happen if he did.

"I won't!"

I rolled my eyes again. Ashley stopped spinning the chair and started up my computer.

"The hell you think you're doin'?" I asked with slight horror, watching as he tried over and over to get my password correct.

"Gonna surf the net, find me somethin' to do!" he exclaimed, once again getting my password wrong.

I painfully sat up and got out of bed, pushing the chair and Ashley outta the way so I could get to my computer.

"Christ sake Ashley," I said as he grinned at me. "You'll lock me out if you keep getting the password wrong."

"You could just tell me the password and we wouldn't have that problem," Ashley said, that smile still there.

"Uh-uh, no way man," I said with a shake of my head as I typed in my password and it logged me on. "I'm not telling you that. You'd access all my files and everything without question."

"Then why're you logging me on now?" Ashley asked from where he was sitting on the chair where I'd pushed it. "I could easily do that when you leave the room; I could even do it now!"

I looked at him seriously.

"You so much as access anything but the internet, I'm shutting it down and that'll be it for you, got it?"

Ashley gave me an innocent smile and nodded. I pushed him and the chair back to my desk, wincing in pain as I did so. I sat down on the edge of my bed, trying to ignore the pain.

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