Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

Juliet looked at me as I stared at the ceiling. She moved closer, putting her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and continued to think.

It was about six-thirty the next morning. I didn't have to get up for about another half an hour, so I was just lying here, wide awake and just wondering how I'd gotten myself into all of this.

Juliet had stayed the night again and now here we both were, just laying here at six-thirty in the morning.

I knew I was pushing my luck, being here with Juliet. I knew Matt was gonna find out and I knew I was gonna regret it real soon; the only problem was, I really liked Juliet so I couldn't just bring myself to stop seeing her. I was actually considering taking the day off after what'd happened yesterday, maybe go see Vic at the hospital or something, maybe even just stay here all day.

I was actually really glad that my parents weren't here right now. They'd certainly have a thing or two to say if they saw me. I wasn't gonna tell them 'bout what'd happened when they got back, but either way, it didn't matter. I was gonna have to leave sooner or later.

"What're you thinking about?" Juliet asked quietly, breaking me outta my thoughts.

"Multiple things," I responded, looking to her. "Y'know this could technically be considered cheating on your boyfriend?"

Juliet just shrugged and moved up in the bed a bit, propping herself up on her elbows as she looked at me.

"I'm sure he's probably cheated on me before," she said casually, almost like she didn't care. "Maybe even more than once."

"Then why're you still with him?" I asked curiously.

She smiled.

"Because people like you, will ruin my reputation," she said, ruffling my hair and managing to mess it up more than it already was.

I just smiled and put my arm around her waist.

"Well maybe you'd increase my reputation," I said, pulling her towards me.

She laughed and leant against me for a bit. After a while, she shifted her position and smiled at me sadly.

"I'm gonna miss you when you leave," she said before leaning down and kissing me.

I just put my arm around her and pulled her closer as we continued to make out, gently sliding my hand up the back of her singlet a bit, hoping she wouldn't notice and scold me for it. Juliet put a hand on the side of my face and broke away.

"I shouldn't be doing this Andy," she said seriously.

"I never said you had to," I said with a smile. "And anyway, you're the one that originally kissed me, remember?"

She just smiled and kissed me again. Sadly though, we were interrupted by a knock on the front door.

"It's probably Ashley," I sighed as the knock came again. "He can wait a bit."

Juliet smiled in amusement and kissed me once more, clearly liking the idea of letting Ashley wait. The knock came for the third time, but we both just ignored it.

"Andy? If you don't answer, I'm just gonna let myself in!" we heard Ashley call from outside.

Juliet broke away and I looked at her.

"We should probably let him in," she said.

"What's the point?" I asked with a sigh. "He's just gonna come in anyway."

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