His Family

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When Asher stops the truck in front of my house I get out and motion for him to follow me in. After all, I need him to help me pick out clothes that will easily slip into the normal of his family. Quietly, we walk to the door and I bend down to pick up the spare key.

We go into the house and I see that most of the lights are off except for the lamp in the living room. Libby's collar chinks around as she bounds through the kitchen archway to come greet Asher and I. Roughly I pat her head while I turn around to shown Ash to be quiet.

I leave the two in the entry way while I go to my Mom's room to tell her I'm going to Asher's house. Her dark figure lay soundly on her bed and I feel bad for waking her up.

"Momma, I'm going to Asher's" I inform her

As I walk out of the room I hear my mom whisper "I always knew this would happen with Asher. Don't forget to use protection."

I roll my eyes at her and close the door, rejoining Asher and Libby in the hallway. I shoo Libby away and guide Asher to my room.

"No offense, Ali, but I don't think this is a good speed to be moving with our friendship. Plus, we need to be at my house in a few minutes." Asher says pausing at my door.

"Calm down ya' perv! I just wanted help picking out an outfit!" I gasp

"Oh, yeah, I can do that." Asher sighs, probably happy that I didn't want to get it on with him. 

"Okay, so my closet is over here." I guide him towards my closet. "Do you think I should wear this?" 

I pull out a pencil skirt and a coral top. Asher winces and shoos me back in to my closet. I take that as a no. Searching deep in the bowls of my walk in, I find a little sundress with a small yellow flower print, when I bring it out Asher fakes a vomit. 

"If you wear something like that I'm pretty sure my family will hate you. You are taking so long and not coming up with anything good!" He complains

"Fine!" I huff angrily "You pick the outfit then, mister fashionista!" 

"Don't be angry, I just know my family better than you do currently." Ash explains as he combs through my clothes. 

Suddenly self conciousness splurges inside me as I wonder what he will think by the size of my clothes. Does he think I'm fat? I think I'm fat, so why shouldn't he? It takes him a while so I go and lounge on my bed. Trying to obscure my stomach doesn't work because that makes my boobs look bigger, and that would be terrible. After a few more minutes that stretch like hours, Asher comes out with an outfit. 

In his hand is a pair of dark blue jeans and a grey shirt that is made of loose material so it hangs on me, but it looks good. He also has a light blue bracelet that will match the tendrils in my opal ring. 

Mom got the ring for me a while ago because opal means hope and there is nothing I could've used more than some hope back then. I take the clothes from Asher and quickly change in the bathroom. WHile I am there I put my hair into a high ponytail to enforce the casual yet pretty look. 

When i come out Asher smiles at me and whistles. I toss him my keys but he puts them down on the nightstand beside him. 

"My house is just down the street, let's walk." Asher suggest, getting my attention 

"That's awesome, let's walk." I say, agreeing to his proposal for transportation 

When we walk out of the house the wind wips ferociously as the sun sets on the horizon, it's going to get cold soon. I knew I should have brought a jacket but I was too distracted to pick one up on my way out the door. 

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