"What if, clouds are cotton candy?"

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My Queen Emma🦋
I'm in front of your door, open up!

The door opened and I saw the moose, "why didn't you just knock?" "I did, but no one answered" I explained when gently pushing past him so I could walk inside. "I have beer, vodka, tequila and pot. Pick your poison" Jared said when he walked into the living room. I looked at the table and it was stacked with beer bottles. "Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Emma. Hey Emma, Emmaaa. Look!" A very drunk Misha said when he clutch onto my side. "Hello Misha, having fun I see" I said, when pushing him of off me. I fell down on the couch and grabbed a beer from the table. "Hey Em. I found out that drunk Misha is a 4 year old kid that had too much sugar" Jensen said when he walked in and dropped down in the seat next to me.

****** (magic time skip)

"Now, what if sheep and cows fuck, would there be black and white sheep or fluffy cows?" Jared asked. "Definitely both" we said all at once. "Let's play spin the bottle!" A very exited Misha yelled. Before anyone could answer there was a bottle in the middle of the four of us. "Me first!" Misha yelled and flipped the bottle. It ended on Jensen. Everyone too drunk to know what was happening, Jensen and Misha kissed, pretty hard. "Now me!" I yelled. I turned the bottle and it ended on Misha. We shared a look and then a short kiss. "My turn!" Jared yelled. It ended on me. We kissed pretty hard, we didn't even stop when it was Jensen's turn to spin. Jared and I ended up in his bedroom. Everything was sloppy and clumsy, but we managed to take our clothes off.

**** (time skip to next morning)

I woke up, but naked and with a awful headache. I sat up and looked behind me, Jared, also naked. I grabbed a sweater from the ground and pulled it over my head. I stood up and got a burning feeling in my throat and I quickly ran to the bathroom. I was just in time when I threw up all of the booze I drank last night. I sat on the bathroom floor for a second before standing up and going downstairs. I saw a Jensen asleep on the couch in only his underwear and Misha walking around in the kitchen. "Mornin'" I said to him and started to make myself a cup of coffee. "Hey, you have any idea about what happened last night?" He asked when he sat on the counter. "The last I remember is you acting like a four year old that had too much sugar, oh and we started playing spin the bottle, and that's it" I said, "and apparently Jared and I slept together, but I can't remember a single thing of that."

"Jay, short for Jared"Where stories live. Discover now