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My Queen Emma🦋
Hey Jay

"Emma, I'm right here, no need for texting" Jared said when he read the text that Emma send. "Yeah, I know" she said and put her phone down. Jensen walked in Jared' trailer and let himself fall on the couch. "Jen?" Jared said when looking at Jensen. "Yes?" he asked innocently. "You don't live here, you can't just barge in like that" Jared explained. "We're basically brothers, I've seen more of you than your mom has and you don't live here either, this is a trailer" Jen said in his defense. Jared wanted to say something, but decided not to. Em tried not to chuckle at Jared's defeat, but didn't really succeeded. "Who's side are you on?" Jared asked when he saw her laughing. "None" she answered.

"Bell, what are you doing?" Emma asked when she saw Bell packing her bag. "I am leaving" she answered angry. "Why, aren't you happy you finally meet J2 and Misha?" Em asked when popping down on the couch. "I am happy I met them, but I'm not happy with you hanging around them like you've known them forever" she explained. "They are my friends" Em said raising her voice. "That aren't friends, they're only nice to you 'cause you're a fan. I'm a friend and until you see that, I'm gone" she said almost yelling. "Goodbye!" Bell grabbed her bag and left the room. Em wanted to follow, but didn't understand a thing about what just happened.

"Jay?" Em asked when knocking on the door of his trailer. "It's open" he yelled. Em walked into the trailer and saw Jared and Jensen looking through some papers, probably scripts. "What's wrong?" Jen asked when he noticed Em' puffy eyes. "B-Bell, she left" she explained trying to hold back the tears. "Come here" Jared said with a soft tone and standing up to pull her into a hug. "W-we n-never fight, n-never" she sobbed into Jared' chest. Jared petted Em' hair calmly and whispered reassuring words. After a while she calmed down and he asked "Why'd she leave?" Em wanted to say why, but then she started thinking. What if it really was just because she was a fan, what if everything they said was fake, what if...... "I don't know, she just left" she lied eventually. Jay kissed Em' forehead and hugged her again. Jensen glared at Jared, why?

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