"Here you go"

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Baby in a Trench Coat🕊
Em? You okay?
My Queen Emma🦋
Idk, Mish
Baby in a Trench Coat🕊
You left pretty angry when Jared came downstairs this morning. I know this might not be my place to ask, but. Was it about the drunk sex thing?
My Queen Emma🦋
He was angry at me, for letting it happen. At me! I mean, I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing!
Baby in a Trench Coat🕊
Do you want me to come over and hang a bit, just to get your mind of off it?
My Queen Emma🦋
Yeah, just come in my room.

The door of the guest room opened and Misha came in. "Hey, sweety" he said with a sympathetic voice. I gave him a sad smile in return.

I was staying at Misha's house for the past few days. He insisted on it, so I didn't have to go to a hotel. At first I stayed at Jared's, but now that isn't really a good option.

Misha sat down on the bed next to me and pulled me into a friendly hug. "Everything will be fine, I'm sure of it" he said. "Daddy? Why is aunty Em sad?" West came into my room. "Jared was mean to me, sweety" I explained, knowing I couldn't tell the real story to a 6 year old kid. "What did he do?" The curious kid asked. "Something that he shouldn't be proud of" I said, available to avoid the subject. "West, you go and check on your mom okay" Misha said to his son. We watched as he walked out of the room.

"Hate to ask this now, but, uhm. Did you use protection?" Misha asked, blushing a little. "Yes, of course we did!" I yelled to fast. My look changed, "I honestly don't know." "Any change you might be pregnant?" Misha asked, with a look that said, 'oh god please no'. "M-maybe" I stuttered, I looked down at my hands, that were resting on my lap, and tried to imagine me having a kid. I didn't like it, at all. "Vicky and I are trying again. She has a pregnancy test laying around somewhere. I'll ask her about it and you can take it" Misha said and walked out of the room to find his wife.

How the hell am I going to do this?! I was having a crisis here. "Here it is" Misha walked into the room. I smiled at him, "thanks." "Everything is gonna be fine" he said, when sitting down and putting an arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder, then his wife walked into the room. "Hey Em, you okay?" She asked. "Been better" I smiled a sad smile. "I can talk to Jared if you want me to" she offered. I shook my head, "no thanks, I only want to talk to him, if- I'm really pregnant." She nodded and walked out of the room.

"Jay, short for Jared"Where stories live. Discover now