14. Trevor's pep talk

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I don't have school this whole week due to Spring Break, and I am so glad, but I get to do loads of collabs.

So far I have collabs set to do with all the O2L boys for their separate channels and the O2L channel and Dominic. I have no idea how I'm going to fit all those in in 7 days. All the editing is giving me a headache just thinking about it.

Looking at the time I realize I need to get ready for lunch with Cade and Trevor's collab. I finally decided on a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy tee since my shirts still didn't fit just right. They were still too tight around my baby bump.

    I pulled into the parking lot to see Cade standing outside her car waiting for me.

    "Hey Cade!!" I say, getting out of my car.

    "Hi, Layla. How are you?"

    "I'm doing pretty good, 4 1/2 months pregnant but good." I laugh, rubbing my baby bump.

    "Dang, already 4 1/2 months? You'll have them here in no time" She said smiling.

    "Oh yeah I know, I'm kinda nervous. Like I was about meeting up with you today. I didn't think you were going to come, honestly." I said, embarrassed.

    "I didn't think I was either, but then I realized how shitty Kathleen was being to me." She shrugged.

    "Do you want to come film a collab with me and Trevor?" I ask.

    "Oh yes! He's my favorite Youtuber!" She shouts.

    "Well let's go!" I say excitedly.


I heard a knock at the door so I walked and opened it. It was Layla and Cade from school. "Hey guys!" I wave, excitedly. I've always found Cade so pretty.

    They smiled and walked in, "Sorry Trev, This is Cade. She's my friend now, you might recognize her from school." Cade had long blonde hair and pretty grey eyes. Cade walked in and sat next to Layla, who was wearing a big baggy T-shirt.

"No Layla, Go change." I said grabbing the shirt I'd bought for her.

She looked pissed but she did as she was told. Tears formed in her eyes as she stood there.

"Trevor! I can't wear that, it's too tight on the baby bump." She shook her head.

"Layla, that's the best reason to wear it. You deserve to show off your bump. You're growing two humans in there." He laughed.

    "No way. People will comment that I'm fattt." She whined softly.

"Nope they won't. We'll do a Q&A and we'll even keep the camera off your stomach. I just want you to flaunt what you've got."

Fine, Trevor had a point, like usual. I changed into the shirt that said "I'm not tired, I'm just pregnant." And walked into the room to film with Cade and Trevor, but when I walked in they were making out.

"Alright, uh, let's start filming." I suggest, smiling at the two of them.

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