22. 4 weeks to go

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I only have 4 weeks until my babies are here!! I swear Sam said he planned the Baby Shower for last week. But no. It's this week after my doctors appointment. I decided on Hadley River Pottorff and Aston Reign. The wedding is set for 6 months after their born.

*Doctors Appointment*

(Doctor- D Layla- L)

D- Good morning. How have you been feeling?

L- Well I have been having some serious pains. In my back, diaphragm, and lower abdomen.

D- Well, those are all normal. It's just your body's way of telling you that these babies are on their way.

L- Ooh. So I need to calm down?

D- Yes. That's probably for the best. Let's see how dilated you are, shall we?

L- Let's see.

D- You are actually pretty dilated for 4 weeks to go. You are about 2cm. Which means she could come early. Normally we'd keep you until they come at this point but being your baby shower is today, we want you in tomorrow. Alright? That concludes our appointment. We'll see you soon!!

I'm already 2cm?!

*Baby Shower*

"Layla.. Come on babe. Its time to go. I already went and got everything set up for it so you didn't have to do anything after your appointment. People should be arriving soon." Sam said.

"Babe. I think they want to come today." I say.

"What?! Let's go to the hospital then!" He panicked.

"No. The nurse yesterday said wait until the pains are more frequent." I said. I have to go to the baby shower.

"Well let's go. Hurry up. We don't want them to come in the middle of the baby shower now do we?"

"Okay. I just need to brush my hair and teeth again." I got up and did that. And headed to the car. I felt Hadley and Aston start to kick and I cradled my belly as another contraction hit.

*at the shower*
"Hiiii!! Surprise!!!!! Well Sorta Since you already know." My mom said/screamed. All my friends were here, including Kathleen, Olivia, and Cade.

Kian comes over to help Sam sit me down. I opened tons of gifts for the twins. There were about 3 unisex outfits and a ton of outfits for each twin. They also gifted us with another high chair, bouncy seat, swing, bottles, TONS of diapers, and formula. And another changing table. I felt two sharp pains go up my side and a sudden pressure right at my baby bump.

"SAM! CAR NOW." I tried standing but I couldn't. Niall and Kian carried me to the car, of course, JC spotted and made sure I didn't hit my head and Olivia made sure I didn't fall. They laid me in the back seat and put Sam in the back with me. Niall drove and Kian was kinda pale.

20 minutes later in the hospital room my water finally broke. I was in labor for 3 hours. Then my baby girl Hadley River poked her head out. 2.5 minutes later my son Aston Reign came out. I finally had my twins.

*a little later*

"Can I hold one?" Asked a 6 month pregnant Kathleen, who was very nervous. She was having a girl.

"Of course Kathleen." The nurse handed her Hadley.

"Your children have wonderful genes." The nurse said to me, winking.

"No kidding." I said. Under my breath. Finally my babies were here. Both of them. Hadley River Pottorff and Aston Reign Lawley.

Okay so This is the END!!! Unless you want an epilogue. Then I'll do one for the wedding and then the epilogue. Comment.




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