23. Epilogue- Part 1: Wedding

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                            *6 months later*

    "Layla! No! I'm going to get her this time!" Sam spoke excitedly

    "Sam, Why are you so energetic this morning?" I asked. It was only 8:30.

"Because we're getting married tomorrow and I have to pack Hadley's and Aston's bags for Niall." He looked at me exasperated. 

    "Just making sure you remembered." A devious smile spread across my lips. Hadley was pretty much screaming. "Are you gonna--..."

    "HOLD THAT THOUGHT!" Sam screamed, running out of the room.

    "You better not be running with my daughter!" The footsteps lightened.

    "Our Daughter, Layla. She's a Pottorff. See She has my eyes and nose. And hair color."

    "What are you talking about? She's blonde! She has my ears. And Aston looks just like Kian! Except he has my eyes. We can try again much later for a baby who will look just like you."

    "MAMAMAMA!!!" Hadley randomly screeched. "Hadley! Say it again! Who am I?" But Hadley just shook her head with a smile on her face.

    "Samuel! Hadley is cutting her two front teeth!" So excited for our baby. She's growing so fast.

    "Sam! Call Kian! Have him check if Aston's are coming through yet!"

    "They are. Kian just dropped Aston off. He was in a rush. I remember when he and I were super close." But him and JC are closer now.

    Sam just yelled down the hall that he was going and that him and the babies will see me tomorrow. Finally. Some alone time. Well about 3 hours of alone time before me, Olivia, Cade, Kathleen, and Sarah have to go and pick up the dresses, make sure the venue is straight and get our nails done. Ooh and wax. No stray hairs for my wedding. I can't believe 4 things. 1- I'm 17 now. 2- Sam is 19 now 3- We have 6 month old twins. and 4- We are getting married tomorrow!

I shoot a text to my mom, Sarah, and Olivia telling them "Be ready in 3 hours. I'll be stopping by to get you. Also Sarah- Are you bringing Hayden and Hannah? Mom- Are you bringing Laurel?

    To: Cade, Kathleen
We're going to be at the dress store in about 3 hours so be there. Kathleen, are you bringing Rosalie?

    Rosalie is 3 months old, Kathleen is doing great at being a single teen mom. Jake doesn't give a fuck about either of them, but Ed sends Kathleen $1000 a month to take care of everything she needs.

They all responded yes. I'll have to take the van. Sarah said Harry was very busy and Mom said Laurel has been super clingy lately. Laurel is just about 1 1/2. She's growing up soo fast. She was a year old when the twins were born. Hannah and Hayden were also twins, they're are two. I laid down and took about a 2 hour nap and then got up and took a shower.

Today I'm just going to wear some High-Waisted shorts and my 5sos crop top. I worked off all my "baby fat" so I was comfortable in my body again. I mean my boobs got bigger. Like 2 cups bigger.


    "Hello?" I answer, the caller ID was Sam

    "Layla! Aston just said Dada! Hadley was saying it too! Muffled Babies saying Mamamama Dadadadadadada"

    "Sam it sounds like our kids are starting to babble!"

    "Yes! They are!!"

"Love you, Samuel."

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