'Everything was normal for a second'

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'Kace,' Mitchell approaches me with a hug as I close the door of \perri's room behind me,

'Hey Mitch,' I smile,

'I was just wondering if you wanna stay at mine and Perri's flat until he, well, wakes up. I know obviously you need somewhere to stay and you could maybe feel closer to him if you're in his room and with us boys all the time, I know it's what Pel would want,'

'Thank you so much,' I sigh with relief and hug him again,

'No problem Kace, Us boys stick together through thick and thin and well, you're one of us now,' Then he thinks about what he says, 'Well, a girl version obviously,' He grins,

'Duhh,' I laugh, causing us both to,

'I'm glad I have you guys as my best friends,' I smile,

'So are we,' He smiles back,

'Hey guys,' Malin comes up behind Mitchell and links his arm, resting her head on his shoulder,

'Hey Mal,' 

'Hey babe,' Mitchell turns around to give her a kiss,

'Perri and I are real match makers,' I laugh and turn round to find my Mum waiting for me,


'Mum im staying at Perri's for a while,' I sigh

'Really? Oh well that's good coz I'm staying at Joe's mums and I didn't think you would want to go there,' My Mum laughs,

'You haven't spoke about him once Mum,'

'I don't want to Kacey, it just reminds me of it,'

'Okay I understand,'

'The funeral's the day after tomorrow, you coming?'

'Only if Perri can,' Then she just looks at me. He better get out of this coma fast because I'm seriously gonna crack up without him here by my side. I contemplate on what to do, I think about what Perri would tell me to do and I can practically hear his voice in my head. He's tell me to go and keep the peace, Even though Joe treat me pretty badly, before he died he did try and make things work, I'll give him that.

'Yes Mum, I'll come. Perri or no Perri,' I sigh,

'Good girl,'She smiles and kisses my cheek,

'Kace, I'm gonna go now if you wanna get a ride with me and Sam, it's getting late and visiting hours are over,' Mitch suggests, clearly sensing the tension between my mother and I,

'Yeah coming Mitch,'

'You're really lucky you have friends like that you know,' My Mum whispers,

'I know ,' I smile back in a whisper,

'Love you sweetie,'

'I love you too Mum,' I give her a hug and run up to Mitch and Sam who were waiting for me.


'This is your home now Kace, feel free to do whatever you like,'

'Thank you Mitch, I appreciate this,'

'I told you Kace, don't thank me, Perris room's just over there' He points to the door in the corner, I walk over to the door and open it, revealing an immaculate room,

'It's so tidy coz he's never in it!' Mitch shouts from the kitchen,

I laugh and walk in, closing the door behind me. I look up the the wall and see a hug photo frame with pictures of Perri and I, some of them daft selfies we've taken and some are ones I didn't even know existed, ones people had taken of us when we didn't realise. There was one Malin must have taken when Perri asked me to be his girlfriend, there was one that one of the boys must have taken of Perri and I in Nandos, one of us when we were play fighting in the sea and the last one was gorgeous. It was a picture he must have found on twitter that one of his fans will have taken at Prom, it was a photo of Perri and I dancing.

'Shall we-' Mitchell begins walking in, but stops when he see's me admiring the photos.

'Look,' He says, I turn round to see what he's pointing at and it's two photo frames, bot with pictures from Prom,

'You mean everything to him' he smiles, 'The reason he went in a mood the other day was nothing to do with anything you'd done, it was that he didn't like the fact you were disrespected in a sense, even though it was unintentional,'

'Yeah, I know,' I smile to myself, 'Anyway what were you saying when you came in?'

'I can't remem-, Oh yeah, shall I get the boys over?'

'Yeah, we may aswell,' I smile and he leaves the room to phone everyone, I walk over to his bed and sit down on it with my hand on his pillow, it's a double bed but he always insists on sleeping the side closest to the door,

'Sorted,' He walks in again, 'They're on their way,' I don't listen to him, I'm concentrating on the photo on the bedside cabinet,

'You miss him already don't you,' He sighs, I nod my head slowly and rest my head in my hands, trying so hard to hold back the longing tears,

'Kace,' He sighs, and sits next to me on the bed, he opens his arm and I lean into him,

'He'll be back before we even realise he's gone,' He laughs, Causing me to laugh too.

'I think it's a little late for that,' I sigh, and stand up, sorting through the bag Malin gave me to get a makeup wipe,

'Yeah, it is for us all,' he sighs as well and stands up, 'It'll work itself out,'


I thought I would be able to sit here and have a laugh, it feels weird without Perri's knee to sit on and not have his drink there to sneak sips from when hes not looking. Plus, knowing that I'm sat here laughing whilst my boyfriends in a coma, isn't the nicest feeling in the world, in fact, it's awful.

'I'm going to bed guys, I need an early night,' I decide at 10:48

'You sure Kace?'Jordan asks,

'Yeah, todays been one of the longest and dramatic days I've ever had.'

'Yeah true, you've had it rough today Kace, get your head down, you always see things in a different light the next day,' Warren says,

'I will do, night boys,' Then all say night as I head towards Perri's room.

I get a pair of pyjamas out of the bag but as I look over to the dresser, I see a shirt hanging over the side, it was the shirt he was wearing when we first met. I shove the pyjamas back into the bag and walk round the bed to the dresser, I pull the shirt out of the drawer and put that on instead- big mistake... The shirt smells like him and just reminds me again that he's not here and I don't have any way of knowing when he will be. I switch the light off and climb under the covers. I close my eyes for a second and I almost his arm wrap around me, as im drifting off I expect to hear his tired voice whisper in my ear 'I love you,' 

Everything was normal for a second

I look up to the dressing table and see the photo of Perri with his arm around my waist and this just sets me off.

Crying yourself to sleep isn't the way you would expect your day to end when you're living with the nation's biggest, most successful dance group in history, you'd think I had it perfect...



I found some of the old work!! I've changed some of it because i wrote it a while ago and it wasn't as good but a lot of you asked me to finish it off and I would really love for you all to find out what happens at the end.

Thank you so much for your endless support, I love you all x

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