You should have been there Pel

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Obviously I haven't had the opportunity to go out and buy clothes for the funeral, so I decide to ring Malin and ask her to come shopping with me, her dad kindly lent me enough money to sort me out until my bank application comes back through,
'Fancy coming funeral shopping?'
'Sure,' She sighs sarcastically, 'See you in five,' She smiles through the phone, then hangs up,
For some reason, I automatically open my messages to Perri and begin to message him good morning, something we've done every single day of being together, well, except for the mornings we woke up next to each other,
I lock my phone quickly, realising what I've just done, walking out of the room as if nothing happened,
'What's up?' Mitch turns around from making coffee,
'I just went to text Perri,' I chuckle, attempting to laugh the whole thing off, because if I don't laugh, I'll cry,
I collapse onto the sofa and turn on the T.v, five minutes into KUWTK, Mitch holds his phone in front of my face,

Pel: Match tonight? The boys are coming over, Bring kace.

I sent him that message the night he went into the coma, I'd just got in when Jordan rang, asking and I forgot you were here and I thought pel was at yours, then seconds later I realised and I felt so stupid,
'You're not used to it, that's why, you're used to being with Perri every day,'
'Yeah I know, that's the hardest part.


'Joe and I didn't get off to the best start, we had many disagreements and arguments. However, towards the end of his life, Joe began to prove that he did want to try and be a father figure to me. You've all probably heard about my boyfriend, and if he was stood next to me now, like he should be, he would tell me not to blame myself for what happened, although I wasn't the person that started the fire, I felt like I put joe in that position of stress by not trying with him as much as he was trying with me,' My waterline fills with tears and I wipe them away with my finger,
'If I could tell Joe anything now, I would tell him that I'm really proud of him for changing himself to be a better man, for me, my mum and my little brother.' I sniff and choke,
'Joe really did try with me towards the end and I took that for granted, I guess I never thought I would be stood here saying this, he turned into a better man and I can't fault him for that.' I nod my head once, indicating I was finished got a few claps from the few people that were actually there, before taking a deep breath and walking back over to my seat next to Mum,
'That was beautiful,' She whispers,


'You should have been there Pel, the atmosphere was awful, everyone looked like they just wanted to go home. I don't think Joe earned enough respect from people for them to appreciate his life, honestly,' I sigh, 'Today would have been so much easier if you were there, I told you, you're my rock, you're the person that helps me through these things and I don't know if I can take it anymore, eleven days is almost two weeks and I can't possible go through another full day without you,' At this point I'm sobbing and and tears are streaming down my face continuously, I wipe my eyes and look away to the window. And rather than replying he laid there with his eyes closed with tubes in his arms and mouth. I couldn't deal with anymore heartbreak today.
I'm so freaking excited to be back !! Please read read this even if it's just the last few chapters, I had so many readers asking four updates and I am so so grateful for my little family of readers, I love each and every one of you, thank you for sticking by me through this time and asking if I'm okay. I'm back now and more than ready to start writing so to my loyal readers, you have a few surprises coming 😀😀

I love you all dearly x

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