Chapter 5

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The hallways shifted as we walked through them. When we got to the cafeteria we grabbed some food. We sat down and started to talk about random things until Emma walked in, Kennedi and Sadie decided to go back to their dorms before class.

"We need to talk." Emma had that look on her face. The one she only gets when she thinks someone she loves is in trouble. I looked around at the crowded room.

"Not here." She nodded following me as I walked out. The halls rearranged until we found a small tunnel. I could sense it lead to the underworld, specifically my room. "Come on, we're almost there." We walked into my room and she looked around.

"Very you. The black, everything is a nice touch." I gasped.

"Is that sarcasm I detect." She put her hand on her heart.

"I would never." I let out a small giggle. "I missed you so much Lexia. You don't seem like your normal happy self." She gave me that face again. I felt my blood begin to boil as my skin turned light grey.

"How could you! I will not be pitied by anyone. I am Alixandrea Ritner, Queen of the Amazons, Daughter of Hades, Heir to the throne of Hell. This is my realm, My home. You will not disrespect me, on my own soil much less." my voice started to crack, and I could feel the tears coming fast. "How could you?" I spoke in a small voice, and I was starting to shake. Emma walked over to me, engulfing me in a hug. "Why did you leave me? What did I do wrong? I'll do anything, just please let me come back." She looked at me.

"You know Poseidon won't let me. Remember you didn't do anything wrong, I would've stayed here forever with you. It was too much power. " We recited our prophecy together.

"Twins of death shall be born to the world,

left to die out in the cold.

Life or death, flame, sea, sky, or boulders,

all shall rest upon their shoulders.

Alone together,

Alone forever." We began sobbing, falling to the floor as my puppy came in.

"Arsu, my baby. Go get your brother. Tell him his mother is here. Please tell father his daughters are home." I dried my tears and walked to the closet. "Dry your eyes Emma. Father doesn't like to see weakness. You need to change, and so do I. We have about twenty minutes before he'll get here." I found matching outfits for us, and handed it to her along with two Stygian iron daggers.

We put on the outfits, along with the daggers and tiara

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We put on the outfits, along with the daggers and tiara. I watched as Emma put on her ring and as she did, her puppy came out of the shadows and sat by her side.

"Azizos my darling, have you been a good little hell hound while I've been away." He barked at that. "Good, It's time to go greet father then." She looked to me.

"Arsu, I know you don't like it. I need you to go into my necklace calmly or we could both get hurt." She whimpered, but understood. Emma and I touched our necklaces and Azizos floated into hers, and Arsu into mine. Our necklaces transformed. Emma had a single ruby, with silver accents, but it became a gorgeous choker with silver chains and lots of rubies. My heart necklace became a skull heart with hanging rubies. "Now, Let's go say Hello." We walked down the halls, souls trying to grab our dresses. We just kept walking towards the throne room.

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